Server side crash because of vein miner version1.4.4
papamaionise opened this issue ยท 9 comments
its crashes just how it used to crash with old version for older fabric modloader
Ok, nice
Thank you both for using my mod
And sorry for taking so long to fix the issue
Have fun~
I have the same problem, everything was fine for me and my friends untill I updated fabric for my server. (from 0.14.23 to 0.15.3 I believe)A shame as this is my preferred veinminer mod
I'm very sorry
I actually thought I had uploaded a fix like a week ago, but it seems I forgot to
The problem was with one of the libraries I was using
Unfortunately, because of certain circunstances, I can't currently update the mod and won't be able to until at least next week
If you are willing to build the mod yourself, the "1.20.1-backport" branch should already have the fix (even the version is updated, if you look at gradle.properties)
(if you do want to do that, https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup should help. But of course using my mod instead of the example one)
(also, I recommend using IntelliJ IDEA. Just open the folder with it, wait for a bit close and open again, then open the gradlew tab on the right and look for "build". Then a .jar should appear on ./build/libs)
I'm very sorry
I actually thought I had uploaded a fix like a week ago, but it seems I forgot to The problem was with one of the libraries I was using
Unfortunately, because of certain circunstances, I can't currently update the mod and won't be able to until at least next week
If you are willing to build the mod yourself, the "1.20.1-backport" branch should already have the fix (even the version is updated, if you look at gradle.properties)
(if you do want to do that, https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup should help. But of course using my mod instead of the example one)
I can wait take your time good to know that you'll fix it because there really no other fabric mods like this one
Just uploaded version 1.4.5 to curseforge (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-veinminer/files/5030227)
It worked on my test server, but can you confirm whether it works on yours?