- 3
A couple of ideas
#19 opened by DanFromDiscord - 2
Server side problem
#14 opened by papamaionise - 6
Not compatible with fabric mod loader version 0.15.0
#15 opened by papamaionise - 9
Server side crash because of vein miner version1.4.4
#17 opened by papamaionise - 2
hi im playing on 1.20.1
#18 opened by Ljbest30 - 1
[1.18.1] Keybind does not appear to toggle on
#1 opened by kwpugh - 5
#2 opened by uhhams - 1
VeinMiner not working on Multiplayer
#3 opened by Max02765 - 0
Configured Ores from Basic Nether Ores Not Being Veinmined
#5 opened by JoelZBub - 1
Shape Mining backport for 1.18.2
#7 opened by recon88 - 0
Enabling server side veinmining and disabling shaped based veinmining in config does not work for some vanillaish clients [v1.3.2]
#6 opened by fmpreferences - 2
Suggestion - Block Grouping
#20 opened by 22luminary - 2
Client side is not optional
#12 opened by ItsTeraBytes - 0
Suggestion - Hide HUD's info while both veinmining is not active and preview is frozen
#26 opened by MrAgeo - 2
feature request: "/" for filterlist
#21 opened by Knito58 - 1
[Bug] Tool durability is off by 1 when veinmining
#22 opened by MrAgeo - 2
[Bug] Durability of *any* hand-held item (including armor) will be used when veinmining
#23 opened by MrAgeo - 0
[Bug] Veinmining with a tool with 1 durability mines 2 blocks instead of 1
#24 opened by MrAgeo - 0
Veinmined blocks with same ID can drop incorrect items
#28 opened by BlakeMpy - 0
Mod will crash game if whitelist values contain invalid paths or characters
#29 opened by valkyrienyanko - 1
Can I make pickaxe only mine veins?
#30 opened by Lunauz - 0
Tools from Hephaestus (Fabric port of Tinkers' Construct) take 0 durability to veinmine
#31 opened by blackisme1 - 0
as long as i'm with u i've got a smile on my face :D
#32 opened by rezerofirst - 0
no block overlay
#33 opened by rezerofirst - 0
Mods for 1.21.x?
#34 opened by winapiadmin - 0
Hi ! I love ur mod and I wanna know if ur gonna make a 1.21.1 ?
#35 opened by FireOlogie - 0
I get too many copies of the block I mined. I mined 4 iron ores and I got 2 stacks.
#36 opened by vmp-10 - 1
Server Memory Leak
#37 opened by Beenester - 0
Game crashes when opening it
#38 opened by JimTheGentlemanGR