Suggestion - Block Grouping
22luminary opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I absolutely love this mod for the simplicity and how all the items drop from the block you mined. The one thing I miss from the previous veinmining mod I used (diggus maximus) was block grouping. You should add the ability to specify block groups in the config. Ore veins that spawn between the stone and deepslate layers often have both ore blocks, so being able to specify that, for example, diamond ore and deepslate diamond ore are in the same group would allow the full vein to be mined. This would also be useful for large veins as you would be able to specify that iron ore, deepslate iron ore, and raw iron blocks are in a group.
Also, another smaller suggestion: you should be able to toggle the "you need a tool to veinmine" message. I have veinmining toggled instead of holding the button down, and I also require the correct tool to be used. Whenever you look at an ore block when youre not holding a tool the message will pop up. Being able to turn that message off would be nice.
You will be happy with the next update then, 'cause I already implemented block grouping
As for the message, there is already a toggle for messages. I may add options for individual messages tho (probably not on the next update tho)
(The next update will probably release this week. It is already finished, but I haven't had time to test it yet)