Simply No Shading

Simply No Shading


Simply No Shading


The README will update. As a result, the information below is out of date.

This mod mimics OptiFine's Internal Shader with Old Lighting OFF by default. Benefits are less lag as this mod is not a shader, stability, and compatibility with other mods. Customizability is also there, toggling certain features, including bindable key mappings to toggle them in-game.



The settings screen is located in Options > Video Settings > Shading Settings. Alternatively with Mod Menu installed it's at Mods > Simply No Shading > Configure.

With Fabric API installed key mappings can be set in Options > Controls > Key Binds > Shading.


All vanilla resource packs are compatible, and the mods known to be compatible are:

Mods not listed might be compatible and any incompatibilities are planned to be resolved.


OFF - Vanilla ON - Default ON - No Shading
OFF - Vanilla ON - Default ON - No Shading
OFF - Vanilla ON ON
OFF - Vanilla ON - Default ON - No Shading