Simply Platinum

Simply Platinum

Platinum Object Overview 1.18.1

Platinum Object Overview 1.18.1

Platinum Horse Armor Recipe (Mod Version 1.11 and below)

Platinum Horse Armor Recipe (Mod Version 1.11 and below)

In the style of the CHA&S Mod.
Platinum Object Overview 1.16.5

Platinum Object Overview 1.16.5

Platinum Ore and Nether Platinum Ore have new unique textures!
Platinum Object Overview 1.12.2

Platinum Object Overview 1.12.2

Platinum Apple Recipe (Mod Version 4.2 and above)

Platinum Apple Recipe (Mod Version 4.2 and above)

Grants the following effects: Absorption 1 (2 minutes), Haste 1 (10 seconds), Strength 1 (10 seconds).
Platinum Object Overview 1.17.1

Platinum Object Overview 1.17.1

Platinum Object Overview 1.14.4

Platinum Object Overview 1.14.4

It finally looks good!
Enchanted Platinum Apple Recipe (Mod Version 4.2 and above)

Enchanted Platinum Apple Recipe (Mod Version 4.2 and above)

Grants the following effects: Absorption 4 (2 minutes), Dolphin's Grace 1 (5 minutes), Haste 2 (20 seconds), Strength 2 (20 seconds), Water Breathing 1 (5 minutes).
Cut Platinum Recipe (Mod Version 4.0 and above)

Cut Platinum Recipe (Mod Version 4.0 and above)

A block of platinum converts into 8 cut platinum due to rarity!
Blocks of Platinum powering a Beacon

Blocks of Platinum powering a Beacon

As of Mod Version 2.1!
Platinum Object Overview 1.7.10

Platinum Object Overview 1.7.10

Piglins love Platinum! (Mod Version 2.2 and above)

Piglins love Platinum! (Mod Version 2.2 and above)

If you also have Piglib installed, you can take advantage of this by wearing Platinum armor for neutrality and bartering with spare Platinum ingots!
Platinum Equipment Recipe (Mod Version 2.0 and above)

Platinum Equipment Recipe (Mod Version 2.0 and above)

Upgrading Enchanted Gold Equipment to Platinum

Upgrading Enchanted Gold Equipment to Platinum

You get a lot of it at Nether Portal Ruins!
Platinum Object Overview 1.15.2

Platinum Object Overview 1.15.2

Platinum Object Overview 1.12.1

Platinum Object Overview 1.12.1