Six6Star's Container Mod (1.12.2 & 1.14.4)

Six6Star's Container Mod (1.12.2 & 1.14.4)

Crafting the Illuminated Bookshelf

Crafting the Illuminated Bookshelf

It's shapeless and uses a bookshelf, chest & glowstone


All the added containers.
The Self Illuminated Bookshelf

The Self Illuminated Bookshelf

Not used for enchanting but it will blend in with the vanilla bookshelf, provide light and store your books. It sorts them into regular and enchanted using "shift click".
The "Brewing Supplies" barrel.

The "Brewing Supplies" barrel.

It only holds the pictured items but allows for shift-click sorting.
A brewing station.

A brewing station.

Use them for clear and easy storage for your crafting stations.
"Brewing Supplies" barrel recipe.

"Brewing Supplies" barrel recipe.

Simply combine a brewing stand & a regular barrel for a specialized Brewing Supplies barrel.