Welcome to Skeleton Uprising! With this mod installed, you will never go a night without the sight of a skeleton! This mod adds mainly new skeletons, but new equipment as well!
Requires GeckoLib and Curios API!
Currently has mod support for:
(Modrinth page can be found here)
Revenant General Theme (Pressure Cooker) by Jeremy Korpas
Wailing Skull
A relatively weak floating skull that can be seen in the overworld and soulsand valleys. They shriek at players, causing darkness and wither. Killing one can get you bones, fire charges and soul sand.
A skeleton with a spine for a hand, they have more attack range and damage than normal skeletons, and can also do more knockback. When killed, they drop bones, and vertebrae, which can be used to craft a spinewhip.
Skeleton Army Members
(The Skeleton Army are skeletons who have banded together to form a larger force, mostly consisting of soldiers, archers and other skeletons with a lust for battle)
Skeleton Warrior
A strong, uncommon skeleton with iron gear, and a member of the Skeleton Army. They are fast, and can deal high damage with their iron swords. Killing one can get you bones, iron nuggets and iron ingots.
A powerful cyborg skeleton, and a member of the Skeleton Army. they have high health and armor, and attack with the piston attachment inside of their robotic arm. They can also shoot lasers from their eyes, dealing damage and igniting its target. When killed, they can drop bones, iron ingots, iron nuggets and redstone.
Bone Golem
An amalgamation of several skeletons, brought to life with dark magic. Functions as the beast of the Skeleton Army. They have high health and damage, are suprisingly fast, can do high knockback to its target, and even have more attack range. If you can kill one, it can drop bones, and amalgamated bones, which can be used to craft the staff of summoning.
Skeleton Alchemist
A long-deceased witch, now recruited by the skeleton army. When it is in combat, it will throw slowness potions at its target. If its target already has slowness, it will throw harming potions instead. Drops bones, glowstone, redstone, sugar, glistering melons and fermented spider eyes.
Emperor Skeleton III
A long forgotten emperor of a bygone time, he used to command the Skeleton Army, before being defeated in battle. He has 250 health, 10 attack damage, and 3 armor. He can slash you with his double obsidian greatswords, or he can summon two skeletons to attack you. It is recommended to have at least iron gear before fighting him. If you can manage to defeat him, he can drop a lot of experience, a lot of bones, and an obsidian greatsword.
Corrupted Skeletons
(Corrupted Skeletons are a similar force to the Skeleton Army, but instead they all fall under the S.O.O (Skeleton Occult Opposition). If they run into a skeleton, they will attack on sight, and vice versa. Can be disabled with the gamerule doSkeletonsFightCorrupted.)
Corrupted Skeleton
A powerful archer, and a member of the S.O.O. Like most other members, they spawn exclusively in forests (except snowy taigas), and have chaos energy infused into their bones, empowering their shots. However, as a drawback, they become inaccurate, as the chaos energy blinds them with rage. They can drop arrows, mystic bones, and arrow bundles.
Another member of the S.O.O, these skeletons have a deadly plague within their arms that they inflict on their targets, inflicting lethal damage over time to anything it comes into contact with. They can drop mystic bones and plaguebone arms.
A powerful member of the S.O.O, ranking higher than most others. They have extremely high knockback resistance, moderate health and moderate attack damage. Their main strength is that they have mastered the art of curses, and can cast three different curses:
- Curse of Chains: Locks the player in place, heavily reducing their movement speed
- Curse of Fatigue: Reduces the player's movement speed, attack speed and mining speed
- Curse of Lifesteal: Causes lethal damage over time, and heals all nearby corrupted skeletons in a 8 block radius
When killed, they can drop mystic bones, runed bones, and one of three items corresponding to their curses, which are chains, prismarine shards and glistering melons.
The Revenant General
Once a powerful general commanding armies to defend against the skeletons, but was killed by Emperor Skeleton III, and was revived to lead the S.O.O. It is recommended to fight him with enchanted diamond equipment, because he has 300 health, 20 armor points and 9 attack damage, and can use his spellbook to summon Cursebinders and Plaguebones, as well as inflicting Curse of Fatigue on the player. If the player builds up, he can also jump up to attack them. If the player is on the ground though, he will just leap forward towards them. When killed, he can drop mystic bones, diamonds, a soulblade, and occasionally a music disc with his boss theme.
Amalgamated Bone
Dropped from Bone Golems, they can be used to make the Staff of Summoning
Dropped from Rattlers, they can be used to make the Spinewhip
Mystic Bone
Dropped from Corrupted Skeletons, they can be used to make some magic related items
Plaguebone Arm
Dropped from Plaguebones, they can be used to make the Plagueblade
Runed Bone
A useful item for crafting dark magic items. Use with caution, or you may craft something you regret..
A piece of cloth. Used in recipes such as the Skeleton War Banner, Occult Scarf and others. Can be crafted using 4 wool.
Plain Scroll
Made from an oak log, 2 amethyst shards and 3 paper, it can be used to make other scrolls.
Normal Equipment
1.19.2 and 1.18.2 version:
A whip crafted with iron nuggets and vertebrae, it has similar stats to an iron sword, except being slightly slower. It gives the player +1 Attack Range.
1.20.1 version:
A whip crafted with iron nuggets, mystic bones and vertebrae, it has similar stats to an iron sword, except being slightly slower. It has a 35% chance to inflict Cursed, which reduces the target's attack damage and attack speed.
Once used by various members of the S.O.O, but is now only reserved for higher ranking members. Deals increased damage to skeletons.
A blade with the same stats as an iron sword, but when attacking, inflicts the same plague as Plaguebones, causing lethal damage over time. Made with Plaguebone arms, iron ingots and iron nuggets.
A powerful sword dropped by The Revenant General, it has 9 attack damage and 1.4 attack speed. When the player kills a hostile mob, it absorbs their soul, and up to three souls can be absorbed. When the player reaches three souls, they can activate the soulblade's ability, granting them a large speed boost and mining speed boost, and an attack speed and attack damage boost.
Obsidian Greatsword
A powerful weapon obtained by defeating the Emperor Skeleton, it has 1.1 attack speed and 8 attack damage. It has two abilities: Weaken, which has a 20% chance to apply weakness when attacking, and Death Slash, which has a 5% chance to instakill any enemy with under 30 max health. However, Death Slash has no effect on players.
Staff of Summoning
Crafted with 2 sticks, 2 amalgamated bones and 1 bone block, using it on a block will summon a friendly skeleton to fight for you that will disappear after 15 seconds. The staff also has a 22 second cooldown.
Scroll of Arrow Storm
Made from 3 arrow bundles and a plain scroll, using it creates 9 arrows that shoot in the direction you are looking. The arrows can also be picked up afterwards.
Scroll of Soul Absorption
Made from 2 soul sand, 2 mystic bones and a plain scroll, using it grants Soul Absorption, which grants lifesteal when attacking. When you kill a mob, it increases the level. Level 1 has regeneration 1, level 2 has regeneration 2, and level 3 increases your health by half a heart with every attack. The effect can't be replenished when at level 3.
Arrow Bundle
Made from 2 bamboo and 4 arrows, it can be used to make the Scroll of Arrow Storm, or can be used to gain 4 arrows, but consumes the bundle. Also drops from Corrupted Skeletons.
Dark Magic Equipment
(Dark magic equipment is a powerful type of magic that can be highly unstable, causing a slight chance to backfire when using it. Wearing the correct equipment for handling it can heavily reduce or even remove the chance of backfiring.)
Occult Scarf
A scarf made from cloth and runed bones, it increases the stability of dark magic when worn.
Tome of Cursebinding
A powerful tome that has similar abilities to the Cursebinder. When a player looks at an entity within a 12 block radius and uses the book, it can give them either Curse of Chains (40% chance) or Curse of Fatigue (60% chance). If multiple enemies are lined up, it can curse them all at the same time, at the cost of a lot of damage being dealt to the book. However, like all dark magic weapons, it has a chance to backfire, in this case it it 35%. Made with redstone blocks, runed bones, soul sand and a book.
Tome of Flesh
A very unstable dark magic weapon that can summon two friendly zombies to fight for the player. These zombies have increased speed and an iron helmet, but have less health. If the spell backfires (which if you aren't wearing anything that improves stability, it probably will) it will instead summon two normal zombies that will attack the player. Crafted using various mob drops, as well as any enchanted book.
Runed Band
A band that can be equipped in the Band curios slot, it increases the stability of dark magic (but doesnt stack with the occult scarf) and also grants the Tome of Cursebinding the ability to inflict Instability on targets.
Old Crown
An old crown, made from gold blocks and amethyst. It can be used on a block to summon The Emperor Skeleton.
Suspicious Ritual
Made using 4 redstone, 4 candles and a Tome of Cursebinding, it can be used to summon the Revenant General. (The Tome of Cursebinding will not be consumed, but it will take damage instead)
Skeleton War Banner
A tattered old banner craftable from cloth and logs, using it on the ground will summon a Skeleton Raid, which summons several waves of skeletons to attack the player. Defeating a Skeleton Raid will grant the player with some useful rewards. (Yes, this is inspired by Terraria)
Elite Skeleton War Banner
Spawns an even stronger Skeleton Raid at the position it is placed. When defeated, it grants even better rewards! (No, there is no wither skeletons)
Q: Fabric?
A: No. I don't port my mods to fabric anymore unless i previously supported them (like Runestones, Wolfys Extra Expansion, ect)
Or if you want the full version..
I don't support fabric on my newer mods due to limitations imposed by the software i use, and the fact that i also mod for myself, and choose to upload my mods to the public. If i simply continued to support fabric, then most likely, all my new mods wouldn't exist because of said limitations. So either way, you're not missing out on anything, are you?
Q: Will you backport to below/above 1.20.1?
A: No. Porting versions is buggy, annoying and generally unenjoyable. Modding is my passion project. If i dont enjoy modding.
Q: Can i use this in my modpack?
A: Sure, You can give credit if you want, but i won't enforce it.