The Skin Toggle Mod is a free and open-source Minecraft mod that adds keybindings for the Skin Customization settings in Minecraft. The following video showcases its functionality:
My old version of this mod used to be called "Skin Customisation Key Binded Mod" and a video showcasing it in more detail can be found here.
Adds keybindings for the skin customization settings in Minecraft. This allows the player to toggle the following skin customizations without needing to access a menu: Cape, Jacket, left and right sleeve, left and right pants leg, hat.
Make sure you have the latest version of Fabric Loader present and then simply drop the mod into your mods folder. You will also need the official Fabric API, which also needs to be placed in the `mods` folder alongside the Skin Toggle Mod. You do not need to create new worlds in order to take advantage of the mod.
Version 1.5
Updated to Minecraft 1.19.2
Version 1.4
Updated to Minecraft 1.18.2
Version 1.2
Updated to Minecraft 1.16.5
Version 1.1
Added ability to bind multiple skin customization toggles to one key.
Note that this only works if the duplicate key is used only in the skin customization bindings. The keys will be highlighted red to show that there are other bindings using the same key.
Version 1.0
Initial release