A simple mod that allows you to change your and other players cape and skin
Better yet, this does not require optifine to run!
This mod is client-side, other players won't see your cape/skin
Doesn't work with the 5zig mod
• Turn cape on and off •
• Change your skin to another players •
• Use other players Optifine capes •
• Temporarily change all users skins •
Main command is /skinchanger
Aliases /cape and /skin
Any second arguments will be automatically
inserted into the skin username box
Example: /skin boomboompower
To change your skin, type a players name in the
TextBox (Should say "Write here") then press "Confirm Skin"
If you want to preview the skin, repeat the steps above, except click "Preview Skin" instead
To use a cape, press the "Add cape" button. You should have one behind you
To change the default cape, download this resource pack and
change the cape.png to whatever image you want your cape to look like.
You can preview the cape, however the cape previewer looks pretty horrible (As of version 1.0)
Basic Tutorial
Changing cape tutorial