Skiny_Dino's Fruitful Mod

Skiny_Dino's Fruitful Mod


Welcome To the alpha of fruitful! this mod is new and most of the textures are recolors, and alpha textures and will change, as this is a look of what this mod is gonna offer. this is a test to get feedback from you guys!

first. the desert overhaul! from mini cacti, cactus flowers, and quicksand. to palm trees, and coconuts! this is the desert overhaul!

New cave updates! a new type of ore.... rubies! this is a new shiny gem that can be crafted into a new tool... the ruby chisel! this tool is the fastest pickaxe of all, but has low durability and cannot support mending! along with this, is a new mushroom. the exotic mushroom! when mined they give exotic truffles! which will be usable to craft potion vials in later versions.

next is a planned farming update. the first part of it, is in this small demo! new plant. Tomatoes! when the crop grows to full size, it has a chance to be a golden tomato. which is a much better food source!