Slime Carnage is a mod that adds a variety of new slimes, structures, armour, food and the ability to build your own slime village. No new ores are added (because that is pointless)
Slimes added
- Orange Slime (spawns in Mesa, plains, savannah and forest biomes)
- Blue Slimes (spawns in extreme hills biomes)
- Red Slime (spawns in plains and savannah biomes)
- Yellow Slime (spawns in desert biomes)
- Green Slimes (spawns in swamp biomes)
- Cactus Slimes (spawns in desert biomes)
- Snow Slimes (spawns in snowy biomes) - Leaves a trail of snow behind it. Also takes damage in hot climates.
- Moo Slimes (spawns in mushroom biomes)
- Monkey Slimes (spawns in jungle biomes)
- Camo Slimes (spawns in forest biomes)
- Cave Slimes (spawns in caves below 60 height)
- Under Slimes (spawns in caves below 24 height)
- Fiery Slimes (spawns in the Nether) - Sets you on fire for 2 seconds. Also takes damage when in water.
- TMNT Slimes (spawns in the sewer structure) - Cannot drown and gets a damage boost in water
- Mummy Slimes (spawns in the desert tomb structure) - Immune to fire
- Foot Soldier Slimes (spawns in the sewer structure) - Cannot drown, turns invisible in water and throws ninja stars at you
- Vampire Slimes (spawns in wooded biomes) - Burns in daylight and also heals 1 HP every time it hits you
- Knight Slimes (currently only spawned in via item) - Attacks other mobs and is very strong with 100 HP. Will also attack players if they hurt it. Currently a work in progress
- Doc (Found in lab structure)
- Old Man (Found in mud hill structure)
- Villagers (Spawn in village tavern or in buildings placed by village scrolls. You can also trade with them)
- Mario - Currently only spawns in mad lab
- Luigi - Currently only spawns in mad lab
- Ice Slime - Currently only spawns in mad lab
Slime Carnage adds a few structures that may be randomly found throughout the world.
- Mad Lab - Found in plains biomes. This is where Doc slime runs his experiments.
- Stone ruins - Sort of like a Stonehenge with a slime face in the middle. No real purpose. Spawns in biomes with grass surface.
- Desert ruins - Small random ruins sometimes found in the desert.
- Old Man Cave - A one per world spawn that has an inside that is supposed to resemble the first cave in the original Legend of Zelda game. It looks like a small grass mound from the outside. There also is a chest inside containing a wooden sword with Slimery III on it
- Sewers - Found in areas with a grass top surface. Sewers is a currently unfinished dungeon which has 3 chests and the ninja turtle slimes and foot soldier slimes inside.
- Desert Tomb - A dungeon found in the desert with lots of mummy slime spawners and a chance at some loot. There is also a secret room with 2 chests an old man slime, gold blocks and 2 diamond blocks. Slimeopatra will also be in the final room. This dungeon is not fully complete yet but almost.
- Tavern - Sometimes found in villages. Usually contains a chest with some loot and 4 slime villagers.
Armor and weapons
There are 4 armor sets available which can be got through dungeons and trading with Slime Villagers and also crafting. Each set has a different effect for wearing the entire set and each set is better than iron and worse than diamond.
- Green set - Night vision bonus on wearing full set.
- Blue set - Water breathing bonus on wearing full set.
- Red set - Fire resistant bonus on wearing full set.
- Yellow set - Movement speed bonus on wearing full set.
There are also a few wapons added to the game too
- Ninja Star - does 2 damage to entities. Only obtained off Foot Soldier Slimes
- Slime Katana - Crafted with a guard, a handle and a blade. Comes with Slimery I on it
Added some random food to the mob because why not.
- Banana - Obtained in dungeon chests or killing Monkey Slime.
- Pizza Slice - Obtained in dungeon chests.
- Sandwiches - Crafted with a flavor of jam and bread. Good nutritional value!
Village building scrolls can be obtained through trading or dungeons. Right click on the ground to make the building appear and consume the scroll. The block you place the scroll on will generally spawn the building where the door of the building is and then spawn towards the right of where you placed it. For things like the blacksmith, well and fields, the building will spawn at the front left most block and then go towards the right. (I am aware I may not have explained it the greatest but I hope you understand what I mean).
- House 1 scroll - Spawns the smallest village house.
- House 2 scroll - Spawns the other variant of the smallest house.
- House 3 scroll - Spawns the medium sized house with the small fenced garden at the back.
- House 4 scroll - Spawns the biggest house.
- Blacksmith scroll - Spawns a blacksmith. No chest spawns inside though.
- Church scroll - Spawns a church.
- Library Scroll - Spawns a library building.
- Well scroll - Spawns a well.
- Field scroll - Spawns a crop field. It is random which crop you will get out of wheat, carrots and potatoes.
- Jam Jar - Used to make different flavored jams. Crafted with wood and glass.
- Gel - Obtained from their respective colored slimes. Used in crafting, for trading and in future will be used to make armour and other items.
- Tiki Torches - work like normal torches but 2 blocks high and comes in 5 different colours and has their own custom particles.
- Slime blocks - Exactly the same as the vanilla slime block that is green but in blue, orange, red and yellow.
Future Updates
- More slimes
- More work on the sewers
- Maybe some suggestions from mod users
- Slime camps
- Improved slime knights
- armour upgrades