Slime Chunk Finder (Slime Chunker)

Slime Chunk Finder (Slime Chunker)


Welcome the one, the only* 1.11 slime chunk finder mod.

(Subject to change*)

Welcome to an extremely simple mod. Quickly put, it adds (toggleable) text to the screen, telling you if you are in a slime chunk. Certainly not enough to find chunks, but a great tool for establishing those slime farm borders.

Installation: Install Forge for 1.11, drag-drop into your mods folder.
Press "G" (default, changeable) to toggle.

To set the seed, find the config folder in your Minecraft directory, and open the slimer.cfg file. Change the 0 in the config to whatever your seed is (if it's singleplayer/you have perms, you can do /seed. Otherwise, ask server admins) and start Minecraft. You may need to start it once with the mod loaded in order to generator the config file.

And finally, as they say, no pics no clicks. So here ya are:
