Smooth Boot (Forge)

Smooth Boot (Forge)


Significant Input Lag when Login (both Single and Multi)

ItsukaHiro opened this issue ยท 1 comments


As the Title, there is a significant input lag when I first login to a world, both single and multi. Mouse is ok but Keyboard is very very delay, peak at around 10 second (both holding, pressing, etc.) and often last around 30 second ~ 2 minutes.
And it always happened when opening the game, the first world always have input lag (sometimes happened with second or third times).


If I remember correctly, a side effect of SmoothBoot is that the DFU runs well past you entering the title screen, which can lead to lag ingame. Installing LazyDFU will most likely fix the issue. Note that this is only needed on MC <=1.19.3