- 0
PneumaticCraft explosion not crafting Compressed Iron
#23 opened by North-West-Wind - 0
Add an updated version to modrinth
#28 opened by mllightitup - 0
Smoothboot not launching on latest MC & Fabric Version
#26 opened by EsserGaming - 1
1.18-1.7.0 dependency compiled with errors on maven
#25 opened by REALMWTH - 0
1.16.5 Smooth Boot Forge & Optifine - Chunks not loading
#27 opened by VirtualEagle04 - 1
Review (This mod is good!)
#29 opened by Decme - 1
[Crash] [1.18.2] Mod crashes on current latest Minecraft version
#31 opened by Big-Iron-Cheems - 4
Config Issue, Very Weird
#37 opened by MonotoneDevelopment - 5
Mod Menu not showing Configuration
#33 opened by Obscure2020 - 5
Discrepancy between Wiki and Config
#34 opened by Obscure2020 - 2
Sorry if this not allowed and/or is annoying, but is there an ETA for when we'll get a 1.18.2 Forge version?
#36 opened by DarthCaesium - 2
Effects of running with LazyDFU
#38 opened by Madis0 - 0
Jitpack build fails
#40 opened by yikerman - 1
Modrinth Updates
#42 opened by leetfin - 2
Can i make a forge port of smooth boot mod for Minecraft 1.18.2 and Up ?
#43 opened by AbdElAziz333 - 2
No 1.18? How sad.
#44 opened by eltrevii - 0
Specify all versions from 1.7.1 to 1.19.2 on modrinth.
#45 opened by spectrapulse - 1
Suggestion: Move game loading to a separate thread.
#47 opened by Zensonaton - 2
Wrong default main thread count
#49 opened by Rad586 - 10
Please update your mod to 1.20
#54 opened by PedroLVA - 1
Support Minecraft 1.20 Version plz
#50 opened by AkarinLiu - 1
Please update to Minecraft version 1.20 for your module.
#51 opened by surfishs - 8
Allow >=1.19.4
#52 opened by someone5678 - 0
1.19.4 version not working at all
#53 opened by yorik100 - 1
Significant Input Lag when Login (both Single and Multi)
#55 opened by ItsukaHiro - 2
Update to 1.21 Please
#57 opened by sternschnaube - 2
Amount of logging
#2 opened by Fourmisain - 3
1.12.2 forge
#3 opened by bigenergy - 1
Translated into Russian
#4 opened by Miros77 - 5
Add a warning when many Thread Count
#5 opened by Miros77 - 4
CurseForge question
#6 opened by Finoway - 1
smoothboot.json generate in wrong directory on linux
#7 opened by frank89722 - 1
Smoothboot-Forge tends to freeze servers out of no where
#8 opened by BugmanBugman - 4
Cloth Config v4.8.2 doesn't work with 1.16.1
#9 opened by NeeEoo - 2
Ticking World Crash When Loading A World or Creating A New World [1.16.4/5]
#10 opened by Coraline77447 - 2
#13 opened by ceoz-0 - 4
SmoothBoot (Forge) causes data generation to crash on startup
#11 opened by Jonathing - 2
Causes "Incompatible Mod List" tag on multiplayer servers.
#15 opened by ZandercraftGames - 1
Clarification needed for "Main worker tread count"
#16 opened by NebelNidas - 2
not compatible with the new chest cavity version
#17 opened by DarklyNightly - 6
#18 opened by PhantomG27249 - 1
No 1.12.2
#20 opened by 623667595 - 0
1.17 compatibility on modrinth
#21 opened by MrAn0nym