


Input Lag (Input Delay) with Sodium even if VSYNC is disabled in NVIDIA and Sodium fully

kispintyi opened this issue · 2 comments


Version information


Expected Behavior

After a while (approximately 20 minutes) there is NO input lag and NO vsync in the game automatically

Actual Behavior

After a while (approximately 20 minutes) there IS input lag AND vsync in the game automatically

Reproduction Steps

  1. Turn off VSYNC in NVIDIA
  2. Restart PC
  3. Start Minecraft with Sodium
  4. Join a server
  5. Play for approximately 20 minutes
  6. Notice vsync halfly turning on and causing input lag

Java version

Java 17.0.3


Intel Core I5-10400F


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

Additional information

Sometimes the Sodium settings just bug and if I enable VSYNC in the Sodium settings it doesn't work and my fps is still above 60+fps! (I have 60Hz)!
And if it doesn't have any input lag for some reason, I don't even know how I did that but then I have a small screen tearing!


Resolved in a support thread on our Discord server (link)

The problem is NOT anything to do with Sodium. We don't modify the game to enable V-Sync or change anything that would cause increased input-lag. More likely than not you are affected by NVIDIA driver bugs which we explain here: Which, again, cannot be solved unless you use Prism Launcher. The Vanilla Launcher and the Lunar Client will both have severe issues.


фикс фризов при прогрузке чанков поставьте в-синк в положение включено и вручную частоту кадров на 60, должно помочь. аналогично если 144 герц монитор то в-синк и 144 кадров вручную.

fix friezes when loading chunks, set v-sync to on and manually set the frame rate to 60, it should help. similarly, if the monitor is 144 hertz, then v-sync and 144 frames manually.

修复加载块时的条纹,将垂直同步设置为打开并手动将帧速率设置为 60,这应该会有所帮助。 同样,如果显示器为 144 赫兹,则手动进行垂直同步和 144 帧。

perbaiki friezes saat memuat potongan, setel v-sync ke aktif dan atur frame rate secara manual ke 60, itu akan membantu. sama halnya, jika monitor 144 hertz, maka v-sync dan 144 frame secara manual.

corrigez les frises lors du chargement de morceaux, activez v-sync et réglez manuellement la fréquence d'images sur 60, cela devrait aider. de même, si le moniteur est de 144 hertz, puis v-sync et 144 images manuellement.

corrija los frisos al cargar fragmentos, active v-sync y configure manualmente la velocidad de fotogramas en 60, debería ayudar. del mismo modo, si el monitor es de 144 hercios, entonces v-sync y 144 fotogramas manualmente.