


Dynamic Handlighning

ZyberTrack opened this issue · 3 comments


Request Description

Hello Dev Team,

I am already using sodium and fabric instead of optifine for quite some time. It is a really cool alternative. The only thing I am missing is the dynamic hand lightning from optifine when holding a torch (or any other light emitting item) in the right hand or left. Could you add this please? This would be such a great feature. Also it would be great to have a zoom feature for example with C just as with optifine. However the dynamic handlight is most important for me and I think for other´s too. It is just more realistic to have light when holding light in the hand xD.


These features are out of scope for sodium. You can find alternatives here. Dynamic hand lighting can be added with this mod and zooming with this mod. You can find more alternatives on modrinth by using the search function.


Sodium replaces and optimizes the rendering engine; it doesn’t aim to be a complete replacement for Optifine.

Dynamic lighting and zoom keys are out of scope for Sodium.


Alright thank you for your heads up. I will add those mods to my list!