


Migrate to Mojang ("official") mappings

jellysquid3 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Right now, the support for Yarn mappings in Architectury is not great, and it is likely to become worse as NeoForge looks to target the official mappings (dropping the utility classes for remapping in the process.)

While we don't have any particular issues with Yarn (and are very thankful for the additional documentation and parameter names it provides), it is ultimately going to provide less friction for us going forward to just use the official mappings, and will help prevent some divergence with other third-party forks.

We should try to complete this work alongside #2278 since it will be highly disruptive to existing pull requests and third-party projects.

Ideally, we would also want to use Parchment for mappings, which combine the javadoc and parameter names of Yarn with the official mappings. Doing this does not introduce any compile/runtime compatibility issues since it only affects how the decompiled Minecraft sources are rendered.


Resolved with 9a6ebc9.