


Random chunks being invisible?

PringoProngo opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Bug Description

When trying to put a mod pack together I realized after I finished that when loading into a new/existing world some chunks would be gone and water and blocks under it tended to be fully transparent.

Reproduction Steps

Download the following

  • 3D Skin Layers by tr7zw 1.5.4-1.20
  • AmbientSounds by creativemd 5.3.8
  • AppleSkin by squeek502 2.5.0+mc1.20
  • Architectury API by 9.1.12+fabric
  • BCLib by quiqueck 3.0.14
  • Beautify: Refabricated by Suel_ki 1.1.0+1.20
  • Better Clouds by qendolin 1.3.13+1.20.1-R
  • BetterEnd by quiqueck 4.0.11
  • Blahaj (Fabric) - replushed by DaFuqs 0.3.2
  • Botarium by 2.3.2
  • CC: Tweaked by squiddev 1.109.5
  • CC:C Bridge by Sammy 1.6.2b-fabric
  • Couplings by HeckinChloe 1.9.4+1.20
  • Create Crafts & Additions by mrh0 fabric-1.20.1-0.9.0
  • Create Fabric by tropheusj 0.5.1-d-build.1161+mc1.20.1
  • CreativeCore by creativemd 2.11.16
  • Dark Loading Screen by A5b84 1.6.14
  • Ender Dragon Fight Remastered by MrGenie151 4.3+mod
  • Entity Culling by tr7zw 1.6.2-1.20
  • Farmer's Delight [Fabric] by Zifiv
  • FerriteCore by malte0811 6.0.1
  • Handcrafted by Terrarium 3.0.5
  • Indium by comp500 1.0.21+mc1.20.1
  • Inventory Sorting by kyrptonaught 1.9.0-1.20
  • Iris Shaders by coderbot 1.6.4+1.20
  • Jade ๐Ÿ” by Snownee 11.7.0
  • Just Enough Items by mezz
  • LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora 2.3.2+1.20.1
  • Let's Do: API by Cristelknight 1.2.8-fabric
  • Let's Do: Meadow by satisfyu 1.2.0
  • Light Emitting Diode by magistermaks 1.6.0
  • Macaw's Bridges by sketchmacaw 2.1.0
  • MidnightLib by Motschen 1.4.1-quilt
  • Mod Menu by 7.2.2
  • Moonlight Lib by MehVahdJukaar fabric_1.20-2.9.7
  • More Beautiful Torches by lupiiin_ 2.5.2-1.20.1_fabric
  • OptiFine 1.0.0
  • Portfolio by Sheddmer 1.3.5-fabric
  • Presence Footsteps by Sollace 1.9.1
  • Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) / Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) by 7.5.0+0.91.0-1.20.1
  • Resourceful Config by 2.1.2
  • Resourceful Lib by 2.1.21
  • Sodium by jellysquid3 mc1.20-0.4.10
  • Sound Physics Remastered by henkelmax fabric-1.20.1-1.3.1
  • Spelunkery by Ordana 1.20.1-0.3.5
  • Tectonic by Apollo 2.2
  • TerraBlender by Adubbz
  • This Rocks! by Motschen 1.7.1
  • Ube's Delight by ChefMooon 0.1.5b
  • VanillaIcecreamFix by repletsin5 1.1.10-beta
  • Visual Overhaul by Motschen 5.0.1-quilt
  • Windchimes by hibi 1.2.4+1.20
  • Xaero's Minimap by thexaero 23.9.7_Fabric_1.20
  • Xaero's World Map by thexaero 1.37.8_Fabric_1.20
  • YUNG's API by 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
  • YUNG's Better Strongholds by 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
  • YUNG's Extras by 1.20-Fabric-4.0.3
  • YetAnotherConfigLib by isxander 3.2.1+1.20-fabric

After which just simply start up a new world and you'll quickly see the problem
2024-02-04_03 28 22

Log File


Crash Report



This is not a support forum. Use the Discord server for that. The steps to repro section is supposed to prompt you to find a minimal setup.

Two issues here. Since you're using Sodium 0.4.10, you need to use BetterEnd 4.0.10. Since you're using Indium 1.0.21, you need to use Fabric API 0.88.1.


I apologize I had thought this was a general support page
Never the less what you offered seemed to have fixed the error in rendering so thank you.