


Adding fast render option

copilot-lover opened this issue · 5 comments


Request Description

Dear Sodium Mod Developers,

I am writing to you as a loyal fan of your mod, which has greatly improved my Minecraft experience. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to making Minecraft run faster and smoother on all kinds of devices. Your mod is truly amazing and I thank you for sharing it with the community.

However, I have a suggestion for a feature that I think would make your mod even better and more accessible to players with very low-end hardware. I am talking about adding an implementation like Optifine's fast render, which is a performance feature that optimizes the rendering code and reduces the load on the CPU and GPU.

As you know, Optifine has a feature called fast render, which improves performance.
I have a very old and weak computer that barely runs Minecraft, even with your mod installed. I have tried using Optifine's fast render and it made a noticeable difference in my frame rate and smoothness. However, I prefer using your mod because it has more features and compatibility with other mods. That is why I am asking you to consider adding a similar feature to your mod, so that players like me can enjoy both the benefits of your mod and the fast render option.

I believe that adding this feature would not only make me happy, but also many other players who struggle with low-end hardware. It would also make your mod more appealing and competitive with Optifine, which is widely used by the Minecraft community. It would show that you care about your users and their feedback, and that you are willing to improve your mod based on their needs and suggestions.

I hope that you will take my request into consideration and that you will see the potential benefits of adding a fast render implementation to your mod. I am sure that it would make a lot of players very grateful and satisfied with your mod. Thank you for your time and attention, and please keep up the good work.

A Sodium Mod Fan


Fast rendering already exists, and is enabled by default (there is no option to turn it off.)



That was fast thank you


NOTE: Fast Render in modern versions of Optifine (1.17+) and realistically does nothing to improve performance even in old versions. If it does anything anymore it is purely cosmetic to keep the look of Fast Render (breaking the outline/glow effect) from very old Minecraft versions. Sodium already optimizes the outline/glow effect significantly and is always enabled since it doesn't break any behavior so no option is required.


Fast rendering already exists, and is enabled by default (there is no option to turn it off.)


I guess they mean an option to reduce the visual quality of some expensive effects like glowing or weather drops. Sodium still tries to match the vanilla experience unlike the compromise fast render option in Optifine.
(But I think this shouldn't be in Sodium)

Fast Render in modern versions of Optifine (1.17+) and realistically does nothing to improve performance even in old versions

It does on certain devices. For example, even a single glowing mob in your field of view can half your FPS, and this option in Optifine greatly improves this. In cost of visuals.

Optifine's fast render and it made a noticeable difference in my frame rate and smoothness. However, I prefer using your mod because it has more features and compatibility with other mods. That is why I am asking you to consider adding a similar feature

You can (and should) use ImmediatelyFast along with Sodium. It greatly improves some areas in the game code in addition to Sodium optimizations, and they work much better together than they do alone. You can also use a bunch of other optimization mods to make your game run faster and smoother.


It does on certain devices. For example, even a single glowing mob in your field of view can half your FPS, and this option in Optifine greatly improves this. In cost of visuals. Sodk

As far as I can tell this isn’t really improved in modern Optifine and is just visual. Old Optifine would break the effect entirely and disable fbos. In newer versions it attempts some weird caching but I don’t think it does anything for cpu or gpu time.

Sodium optimizations for entity rendering are 400% faster than vanilla/optifine on any version in my testing on my machine with fast render on. There is a fast path for glowing entities that significantly improves performance.