ModelPartMixin is braking sharders.
FrederikHeinrich opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Bug Description
Sodium ModelPartMixin is braking the model rendering.
Reproduction Steps
#version 150
#moj_import <light.glsl>
#moj_import <fog.glsl>
in vec3 Position, Normal;
in vec4 Color;
in vec2 UV0;
in ivec2 UV1, UV2;
uniform sampler2D Sampler0, Sampler1, Sampler2;
uniform mat4 ModelViewMat, ProjMat;
uniform int FogShape;
uniform vec3 Light0_Direction, Light1_Direction;
out float vertexDistance;
out vec4 vertexColor, lightMapColor, overlayColor, normal;
out vec2 texCoord0, texCoord1;
out vec3 a, b;
vec3 getCubeSize(int cube) {
switch(cube) {
case 2: // Body
case 3: // Jacket
return vec3(8, 12, 4);
case 4: // Arms
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
return vec3(3, 12, 4);
case 8: // Legs
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
return vec3(4, 12, 4);
return vec3(8, 8, 8);
vec2 getBoxUV(int cube) {
switch(cube) {
case 0: // Head
return vec2(0, 0);
case 1: // Hat
return vec2(32, 0);
case 2: // Body
return vec2(16, 16);
case 3: // Jacket
return vec2(16, 32);
case 4: // Right arm
return vec2(40, 16);
case 5: // Right sleave
return vec2(40, 32);
case 6:
return vec2(32, 48);
case 7: // Left Sleeve
return vec2(48, 48);
case 8: // Right Leg
return vec2(0, 16);
case 9: // Right Pant
return vec2(0, 32);
case 10: // Left Leg
return vec2(16, 48);
case 11: // Left Pant
return vec2(0, 48);
return vec2(0, 0);
vec2 getUVOffset(int corner, vec3 cubeSize) {
vec2 offset, uv;
switch(corner / 4) {
case 1: // BOTTOM
offset = vec2(cubeSize.z + cubeSize.x, 0);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.x, cubeSize.z);
case 4: // LEFT
offset = vec2(cubeSize.z + cubeSize.x, cubeSize.z);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.z, cubeSize.y);
case 2: // RIGHT
offset = vec2(0, cubeSize.z);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.x, cubeSize.y);
case 5: // BACK
offset = vec2(2 * cubeSize.z + cubeSize.x, cubeSize.z);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.z, cubeSize.y);
case 0: // TOP
offset = vec2(cubeSize.z, 0);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.x, cubeSize.z);
case 3: // FRONT
offset = vec2(cubeSize.z, cubeSize.z);
uv = vec2(cubeSize.x, cubeSize.y);
switch(corner % 4) {
case 0:
offset += vec2(uv.x, 0);
case 2:
offset += vec2(0, uv.y);
case 3:
offset += vec2(uv.x, uv.y);
return offset;
void main() {
gl_Position = ProjMat * ModelViewMat * vec4(Position, 1.0);
a = b = vec3(0);
if(textureSize(Sampler0, 0) == vec2(64, 64) && UV0.y <= 0.25 && (gl_VertexID / 24 != 6 || UV0.x <= 0.5)) {
switch(gl_VertexID % 4) {
case 0: a = vec3(UV0, 1); break;
case 2: b = vec3(UV0, 1); break;
// 1 3 5 9 11 13 15 17
int cube = (gl_VertexID / 24) % 24;
int corner = gl_VertexID % 24;
vec3 cubeSize = getCubeSize(cube) / 64;
vec2 boxUV = getBoxUV(cube) / 64;
vec2 uvOffset = getUVOffset(corner, cubeSize);
texCoord0 = boxUV + uvOffset;
} else {
texCoord0 = UV0;
// vertexDistance = fog_distance(ModelViewMat, IViewRotMat * Position, FogShape);
vertexDistance = length((ModelViewMat * vec4(Position, 1.0)).xyz);
vertexColor = minecraft_mix_light(Light0_Direction, Light1_Direction, Normal, Color);
lightMapColor = texelFetch(Sampler2, UV2 / 16, 0);
overlayColor = texelFetch(Sampler1, UV1, 0);
texCoord1 = UV0;
normal = ProjMat * ModelViewMat * vec4(Normal, 0.0);
### Log File
### Crash Report
Is this even core shader related? Sodium doesn't have an issue with core shaders on entities afaik
Is this even core shader related? Sodium doesn't care about core shaders on entities afaik
i disabled CaffeineMC/sodium-fabric/src/main/java/net/caffeinemc/mods/sodium/mixin/features/render/entity/ModelPartMixin.java and it works.
so yes Sodium is messing with the shader handling.
This bug report is very confusing because there is no description of what the bug is. And you didn't attach a log file or a crash report, only a screenshot for which you didn't describe what the problem is.
This bug report is very confusing because there is no description of what the bug is. And you didn't attach a log file or a crash report, only a screenshot for which you didn't describe what the problem is.
the skin part selection is not working correctly.
No crash, No log cuz it is just a visual misbehavior.
What is it supposed to look like? you didn't show anything. Are you sure there isn't a bug in your shader? The first issue I can see is that it uses gl_VertexID with hardcoded constants which make massive assumptions.
the head would be the first thing I would notice...
but yes, several parts are wrong. (without sodium it is correct)
This is probably fixed with #2745.