


Fix weird culling of fluid interior top planes

muzikbike opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Request Description

Build the following structure:
2024-05-05_20 42 08
2024-05-05_20 42 19

Now enter it in Spectator mode:
2024-05-05_20 42 31
2024-05-05_20 42 33

You'll notice something strange pretty quickly - the top faces of the water are visible from outside (as they should be, as they aren't coplanar with the ceiling and therefore hidden), but are completely invisible from the inside.

Things get even weirder if you knock out one of the corner blocks - one of the planes will be visible, whereas the other will not, separated by an abrupt cutoff at the block edge.
2024-05-05_20 42 50
2024-05-05_20 43 02

Here's another setup demonstrating much the same issue:
2024-05-05_20 46 24
2024-05-05_20 46 33

This is vanilla bug May be within the scope of Sodium to fix - this is game graphics being weird and unintuitive, after all.


Hasn't be fixed yet.(sodium1.20.6-5.9)