Soft Snow Landing

Soft Snow Landing


Snow can be quite light fluffy and soft. This mod allows you to jump from heights safely into layers and blocks of snow. For each layer of snow that you land on, the effective height that you have fallen from is reduced by one. There solid blocks of snow are effectively made up of eight layers of snow. The default maximum number of layers of snow that will be counted to negate fall damage is 32 blocks.

This mod is configurable by editing your "softsnowfallmod-server.toml" file located within the your ".minecraft\config" directory after have loaded up the mod at least once. You can change the factor of how many each snow layer negates the effective fall distance, as well as the maximum number of snow snow layers that will be considered.

Feel free to use this mod in any modpack, though please do not upload it to other websites.

Enjoy this mod? Also have an obsession with slabs or stairs? Consider checking out my other mods, Torch Slab Mod & Carpet Stairs Mod.