Soiled Biome's

Soiled Biome's


Adds 13 biomes to Overworld And Adds 11 biome to new dimension.

Dracaena Cinnabari Savanna

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-It is warm here.

-Here, the ground is coarse dirt, dirty cobblestone, and scotrin stone.

Lush Desert

-A lot of new cacti and plants can be found here.

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-It is warm here.

-Here, the ground is orange sand.

-A Tall Prickly Pear can be found here, and you can obtain its fruit by right-clicking with Bone Meal or spawn You can see this plant that has fruit naturally, but it is rare.

Cherry Forest

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is grass block and podzol.

-bamboo can be found here.

Cold Desert

-There is new cacti here.

-Here, the ground is gravel.

-It is cold here.

Tree Plain

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is grass block.

-A ruin olive storage can be found here, inside which an enchanted golden olive can be found.

Bald Cypress Swamp

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is grass block and mud.

-A archer found here, inside which you can find an archer's outfit (Pillagers leaving here).

Liszonalisr Forest

-Here you can find different trees with different types of wood.

-Here, the ground is grass block and mud.

-Mud lakes are found here and the mud is sticky there, so be sure to look under your feet in this forest.

Stone Savanna

-Here, the ground is grass block and dirty cobblestone.

-There is acacia trees here.

-A lot of different stones can be found here.

-It is warm here.

Maple Land

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is grass block.

-You can get the sap of the maple tree by stripping the tree's log, but it takes a long time to produce the sap.

High Land

-Here, the ground is snow block.

-It is cold here.

Warm Mountain

-Here, the ground is grass block.

-It is warm here.

Tropical Jungle

-Here, the ground is grass block.

-Here you can find different trees with different types of wood.

Fall Birch Forest

-Here, the ground is grass block.

-There is new trees here.

How to enter the new dimension?

To go to the new dimension, you must first place the asteroid bone on the ground and click on it with the asteroid

Read to the end to find out how to exit the dimension

Asteroid Land Dimension

-Here, instead of diamond, there is fluorite, which has the same application as diamond.

-Here, instead of iron, there is lead, which has the same use as iron.

-Here, instead of copper, there is zinc, which has the same use as copper and more.

-Instead of water, there is purple lava here, but you can find water here, and you can bring water with you and put it on the ground.

-New hostile mob and passive mobs spawn here.

Asteroid Stoney

-Here, the ground is asteroid stone, black asteroid stone, star granite, shroom stone and black moss.

-You can find a type of mushroom on black moss that is poisonous and you can make soup with it, but this soup gives you a wither effect.

Asteroid Forest

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-You can find water here.

-Here, the ground is blue moss, space coral.

-Tall space seagrass spawn here and you can duplicate them with bone meal, With this plant, you can make a powder that is needed in all mushroom soups in this dimension.

-You can find a new type of mushroom and make the soup.

Purple Grass Land

-There is new plants.

-Here, the ground is grass asteroid stone.

-You can find a new type of mushroom and make the soup.

Purple Forest

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is purple moss.

-You can find a new type of mushroom and make the soup.

-You can find a glow wool you must color it to use it like a wool

Dark Desert

-Here, the ground is dark sand.

-There is new trees here.

-It is warm here.

-A  dark tower can be found here, inside which off over world teleporter, new boss and lot of enemy can be found.

-Off over world teleporter can turn on with soul ball and soul ball craft with soul shard and ancient coin ball, ancient coin ball craft with 9 ancient coin , ancient coin craft with 8 ancient nugget.

-A hunted grave yard can be found here.

Asteroid Mountain

-Here, the ground is shroom stone.

-It is cold here.

Red Swamp

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is red moss.

High Cloudy Mountain

-Here, the ground is snow block.

-It is cold here.

-Have cold cloud  around it.

Saper Jungle

-There is new wood with new trees here.

-Here, the ground is saper grass block.

-Here you can find blue watermelon.

-Here you can find asteroid coal ore.

Coal Land

-Here, the ground is Grass block, salt block, salt basalt, salt stone.

-Here you can find asteroid coal ore.

-There is salt basalt pillar.


-Dinosaur fossil : you can fin dinosaur skull or bone, dinosaur skulls are super rare found underground, but their bones are found on the surface of the earth and you can find ruined archaeology place and you can find dinosaur fossils and it has 4 modes: desert and badland, ocean and normal ruined archaeology place, ruined archaeology place badland is supper rare.

dinosaur skulls have 5 variants: Tyrannosaurus skull, mammoth skull, spinosaurus  skull, triseratops skull, pternodon skull.

Tyrannosaurus skull find in jungle biomes and swamp biomes, mammoth skull find in cold biomes, spinosaurus  skull find in desert biomes and savanna biomes, triseratops skull find in plains and forest and taiga and.. biomes, pternodon skull find in mountains biomes.

-UFO: this structure find in asteroid land and have new boss Alien illager captain and if you kill this boss gives you soul shard.

-Dracaena Cinnabari have rare tree.


Black Scorpion

-Find in desert biomes, jungle biomes, savanna biomes, badlands and tree plains.

-0.75% probability of tail drop.

-The new food adds that you should not eat it raw at all because it is poisonous and must be digested first.

Desert Scorpion

-Find in desert biomes, jungle biomes, savanna biomes, badlands, plains biomes and forest biomes and birch forests .

-0.75% probability of tail drop.

-The new food adds that you should not eat it raw at all because it is poisonous and must be digested first.

Blue Scorpion

-Find in jungle biomes, cherry forest and tree plains.

-0.07% probability of tail drop.

-The new food adds that you should not eat it raw at all because it is twice as poisonous as scorpion meat and must be cooked first.


-They are found in dark towers jails.

-For now, these are not worth it.

-They are passive and have 36 health.

-They don't have drop and id you kill it drop very low XP.

Alien Bandit

-They are spawn at low light level and they are always hostile.

-They drop gold nugget when you kill it.

One Eye Spider

-Likes over world spiders

-They are spawn at low light level and they are always hostile.

-They drop string when you kill it.

Dead Lierz Skeleton

-They are lives in the dark tower and they are always hostile.

-They drop bone when you kill it.

-They are have 10 health.

Dead Lierz Zombie

-They are lives in the dark tower and they are always hostile.

-They drop rotten flesh when you kill it.

-They are have 15 health.

Dead Lierz Knight

-They are lives in the dark tower and they are always hostile.

-They drop ancient nugget or low chance new armor and tools when you kill it.

-They are have 30 health.

Dead Lierz King

-He lives in the dark tower and he is always hostile.

-He drop Low chance to drop his crown when you kill it.

-He have 120 health.

Alien Illager Captain

-She lives in the UFO and she is always hostile.

-She always drop soul shard when you kill it.

-She have 150 health.

Alien Illager

-They are lives in the UFO and they are always hostile.

-They drop iron nugget when you kill it.

-They are have 20 health.

Alien Cow

-This entity living in coal land.

-They drop cooked beef and Leather when you kill it.

Dead Lierz Hunter

-They are lives in the dark desert and saper jungle and they are always hostile.

-They drop bone when you kill it.

-They are have 7 health.

Some Tools

Lightning Bow: craft with 3 ancient coin, 1 netherite scrap, 3 string, need copper arrow to shot.

Alien Illager Sword: It's a best sword in this mod and to get it you must kill alien illager captain but low chance to drop.