Solar's Overhaul

Solar's Overhaul


Solar's Overhaul is a mod for Minecraft that aims to make the game more challenging, more interesting, and more enjoyable. This mod adds an entire new set of tools, dimensions, and materials to mine in. The mod lore:

Deep down in the destruction, there was one named "Dread". He was locked up in the destruction by the universal gods because of how much trouble he has caused. He wants to fix ugly planets and make them a home for at least something- but he doesn't do it in a way you think he would. Long ago his dad gave him a flask of corruption and told him "Only use this when its necessary. ok?" he didn't understand what that meant and so Dread responded with "yes dad" now Dread is using this flask to corrupt planets and this gives life to monsters of all sorts. he thinks that this will cure all words, universes, and dimensions. One day he finds the Minecraft universe. before he enters a sudden force pulls him on one of his back spikes. he turns over and sees a universal god and with no hesitation explains what he is doing and what he's gonna do. The universal god then tells him: "So you want to ruin even this place huh?" before Dread even has time to respond the universal god pushes him into the minecraft universe and he spawns in a dry and barren wasteland. he then gets warped to another dimension that's the same thing but without a roof and just sky. he then uses a quarter of his flask to "fix" the entire land- but something different happens. building started emerging from the ground and a huge throne appeared. He sit's on it and waits till he's free from his cage as one mob made him aware of a multi-dimensional myth called "The Overworld". After the universal gods knew that he was aware of the overworld, they instantly granted the overworld materials for "The Player". after this they made a way for the so called "Player" to enter both dimensions so they can defeat Dread once in for all. Once the Universal gods created "The Player", this is where YOUR journey starts.

Mod essentials you will need to know before the wiki gets created:

how to get a Strong Froster:

     find a crater structure and there is a chance you will get it

how to make Trenderite

     put in your trenderite cluster into your melter.

     melt it.

     put the trenderite sludge in the first bottom slot on the left of your froster.

     freeze it.

     there you go.

how to make onyx

     craft a onyx crusher

     put redstone dust in the redstone slot

     put a onyx crystal in the other slot

     crush it

     go to your melter

     melt the onyx dust

     craft a mold

     put it on the slot on top of the main slot in your froster

     put your onyx dust into the main slot of your froster

     freeze it

     there you go

