Solidd Steel

Solidd Steel



Solidd Steel is a simple vanilla-friendly mod that adds a new ingot called Solidd Steel.

This ingot can be used at a smithing table to upgrade iron tools and armor the same way netherite upgrades diamond. 

It can also be used to upgrade shears and iron horse armor.

Solidd Steel is a balanced upgrade focused on durability.

While Solidd Steel tools will only mine slightly faster than iron, they will last a fair bit longer.

How it works:

Solidd Steel for iron behaves very similar to Netherite for diamonds. To upgrade your iron gear, you will first need a Solidd Steel Ingot.

Unlike most ingots, these are crafted not smelted. To craft these you will need both iron ingots and a new ore creatively called Solidd Ore.

Solidd Ore is mined like any other ore and requires an iron pickaxe or better. It generates similar to gold underground.

Tips to locate:

  • Solidd Ore has the chance to spawn at Y 32 and lower.
  • Solidd Ore gets more common the deeper you go with higher chances in deepslate.
  • Solidd Ore generation is not affected by air exposure making caves a great way to find it.
  • Solidd Ore has a dark texture sometimes making it tough to spot so be sure to light the area well when looking for it, especially in deepslate.

Once you get your hands on at least four Solidd Ore, it can be combined in any order with another four iron ingots in a crafting table to make a Solidd Steel Ingot.

This Solidd Steel Ingot can be combined with iron tools and armor in a smithing table to upgrade it to Solidd Steel.

Tools & Armor Stats:

The durability of a Solidd Steel tool is three times higher than iron (half of diamond) and it's efficiency is one level higher (half way between iron and diamond breaking speed).

For the armor, durability is 1.5x the durability of iron armor and comes with 0.5 armor toughness per piece.

Horse armor does not have durability but it's protection value is increased and sits just above gold in strength.

Other Features:

There are currently two blocks that can be crafted in this mod: 

  • Packed Solidd Ore - 9 Solidd Ore in a crafting table will make this block. A way of condensing down the ore for storage or an odd decorative piece.
  • Solidd Steel Block - Like any other ingot block, 9 Solidd Steel Ingots in a crafting table will make this. What you do with it is up to you. Do note, it will not currently affect a beacon.

Aside from the standard iron tools and armor, shears and iron horse armor can also be upgraded with Solidd Steel.

Advancements: There is an advancements page for this mod with a handful to beat, mostly just based on collecting the gear..

Being that this mod is open source, you are free to use it in modpacks as you please. 

Let me know if you run into any issues by clicking the "issues" tab linking to the issues page on the project's github site.

If you have any other comments or suggestions feel free to drop them below.

I do not plan on making a fabric version.