Sophisticated Backpacks

Sophisticated Backpacks


Backpack not appearing or shows up on top of head (I'd appreciate the help)

DailyIntruder opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I was crafting the Sophisticated Backpack and I noticed that it wasn't showing up and when I put it in another slot trying different things it would appear on my head which was odd, I've been using this mod for a long time back in the day before it looked this nice but its always been a good mod but, I deleted and restarted all my mods and now its not working. I have 1.16.5-forge-36.1.24 Minecraft version and as for the mod version I have the 1.16.5 2.5 version.

here is a list of all the mods I have installed:
Dannys Expansion -
AdHooks -
antiquestlas -
Areas -
BackTools - (Back Tools seems to not show up as well)
BetterCaves -
Builders Dimension -
Cameraoverhaul -
Citadel -
ColdsClaws -
Collective -
Comforts -
Connectiblechains -
Controllable -
Corpse -
CosmeticArmorReworked -
Coyotelib -
CreativeCore -
Curious API -
Customizableelytra -
CyclopsCore -
DeadGuysUntitledDeepDark -
Desolation -
DoggyTalents -
Dungeonsarise -
Eidolon -
EnhancedVisuals -
EpicFightMod -
EverlastingAbilities -
Fallingleaves -
FallingTree -
ForgeEndertech -
Geode -
Healingcampfire -
iceandfire -
IChunUtil -
immersiveportals -
InventoryHud -
ironchest -
jei -
KimetsunoYaiba/Demon Slayer -
minecolonies -
MineMenu -
mowziesmobs -
MutantBeasts -
mysticalworld -
Patchouli -
playerex -
projectvibrantjourneys -
SophisticatedBackpacks -
structurize -
swingthroughgrass -
TerraForged -
twilightforest -
Undead -
Voidscape -
whisperwoods -
YungsApi -

Screenshots of

As you can see here I have my helmet equipped and the backpack is ontop of my head.

As for here It'll show up when I have my inventory up but only for inventory and not outside of the inventory and I dont know why that is the case but its doing it.

Here is some different screenshots of where I've tried different slots:

I've got it equipped on the back slot and as you can see its not there but it'll show up when I open my inventory
2021-06-06_19 18 01
2021-06-06_19 18 20

Thanks for taking the time to read all this!


That thing with rendering at your head is a "feature" of Epic fight mod this is at least 3rd time someone has reported that, I feel like I may need to pin this or add to issue template. But basically you need to complain to them about this.
Why the backpack doesn't render for you when in back slot and when you're outside of your inventory I have no idea as it renders well for me as well as for many other people in popular packs. So I will need you to figure out what mod interaction is causing it as your list is pretty long. Probably removing epic fight mod first would be best because of it's liberal approach to rendering.


Just checked quickly in epic fight mod and it appears to be another thing it causes Epic-Fight/epicfightmod#235

Closing this, feel free to reopen if you find out that it's not them.