Soul Ice
A misc content mod for Minecraft 1.18.2 Forge/Fabric/Quilt and newer.
Soul Ice - An extremely quick Ice variant that is crafted with 8 Soul Sand and 1 Blue Ice. (Slipperiness is configurable.) Lightstone - A grayish-white stone found in the deep dark. (Worldgen is configurable.)
Cactus Armor - Prickily little armor that deals damage to the attacker similar to Thorns.
Unfaltering - A boots enchantment that stops blocks from bringing changes to velocity. (Can turn off in config.) Freezing - A weapon enchantment. (Can turn off in config.)
Why does this mod exist?
Originally, it started as a way to save the Soul Ice block from removal in Consistency+. As I made the Soul Ice block, I spun it into its own mod. However, I also wanted to add a bunch of other features from dead projects and I wanted a mod I could do whatever with, so thats what this became.
How do I use the config?
Currently, no Modmenu or Forge Mod Menu support exists, so you have to manually change the file. It should be in your instance's config folder.
Do I need to sync my config to the config on the server?
Thankfully, not that I have seen. Enchantments might benefit from being manually synced, but all in all I put some work into making sure the client syncs with the server.
Why is it called Soul Ice if it adds more than Soul Ice.
Outdated name, theres a good chance later updates will change the name to something along the lines of "More than just Soul Ice" or "Thats more than Soul Ice" or even "Siuol's Additions". I dunno yet.
Can we get a port to X, Y, or Z?
Maybe? It depends on if I am feeling like making a port to a specific version on that day. Although, the likelihood of a port to anything older than 1.16.5 is slim.
Will you add more features from dead projects into the mod?
Given how many dead projects I have, probably.
I noticed a bug! What do I do?
Report it to Siuol here at the Github Issues page, I'll work to get it fixed.
How much testing does this mod go through.
Not enough.