Soul Sandstone

Soul Sandstone


Soul Sandstone

Finally, soul sand is united with its counterparts!


Adds a new sandstone variant for soul sand, the following is a list of blocks and their respective crafting recipes:

Chiseled Soul Sandstone: two soul sandstone slabs stacked in the 2x2 crafting grid.

Soul Sandstone Wall: six soul sandstone filling the two bottom rows of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Soul Sandstone: four soul sand filling the 2x2 crafting grid.

Soul Sandstone Slab: three soul sandstone filling the bottom row of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Soul Sandstone Stairs: six soul sandstone in a staircase pattern in the 3x3 crafting grid.

Smooth Soul Sandstone: smelt soul sandstone.

Smooth Soul Sandstone Slab: three smooth soul sandstone filling the bottom row of the 3x3 crafting grid.

Smooth Soul Sandstone Stairs: six smooth soul sandstone in a staircase pattern in the 3x3 crafting grid.

Cut Soul Sandstone: four soul sandstone filling the 2x2 crafting grid.

Cut Soul Sandstone Slab: three cut soul sandstone filling the bottom row of the 3x3 crafting grid.

The stonecutter may also be used to craft all of these blocks, with the exception of smooth soul sandstone.

I am currently working on other 'vanilla-like' mods, if you are interested follow me on Twitter for updates!