Soul Sword Mod

Soul Sword Mod


Soul Sword Mod - By Esqueletor124




> His main new item is the soul swords.

> The starting sword is crafted from the new soul ore found below layer 32.

> Then there are the power swords which are made by joining a soul sword with the corresponding power gem in a blacksmith table. One important thing is that you need the soul of the ghost too use the     power of the sword.

Specific information

Basic Soul Sword and others soul swords [ Damange 10, Velocity 9 ]
Fire sword [ Add Resistance I and Strength III ]
Aqua Sword [ Add Water_Breathing V, Conduit_Power II and Dolphins_Grace IV ]
Plant Sword [ Add Night_Vision, Health_Boost III, Regeneration II and Luck IV ]
Vento Sword [ Add Slow_Falling, Invidibility and Speed V ]


> The mod add a new mob. This mob is the Ghost and have three diferents forms.
-The Simple ghost [ Life 25, Damage 2, Atack in distance ]
-The Hunt ghost [ Life 25, Damage 2, Atack with sword ]
-The Tank ghost [ Life 40, Damage 2, Atack with axe and shield ]
They droop his soul.

The tombs
>The mod add tomb in the wold in the tomb are living ghost, skeletons and wither skeleton and a loot of mineral. When you break one of this tomb you livered the mob and the minerals ( Stone, esmerald, iron, diamond...)
New food
>The mod add new soul berries, the normal, the golden and the wither.
-Normal [Comon, Eat 3, Saturation 0.6 ]
-Gold [Rare, Eat 4, Saturation 3]
-Wither [Rare, Eat 4, Saturation 0.4 ]
> The soul berries not are the only new food. The mod add the soul berrie potion.
-The Normal [ Eat 16 and more regeneration ]
-The Gold [ Eat 20 and more saturation and absorption ]
-The Wither [ Eat 16 and fire resistance and strength ]
New Boss
>The mod add a new boss that is living in a totem. The boss can dropp a especial object to make a soul pickaxe. [ Life 300, Damage 5 , he have a sword and totem ]
New structures
>The mod add more things but you see the other things. The last thing are the structures and are four news.