Soul Update

Soul Update


Forge 1.16.4

What is the Soul update?

the Soul Update is an idea I had for a new minecraft update that adds :

New Biome

New Mobs
spawns in the soul biome at night. attacks the player when seen and panics when attacked. drops released soul and a random amount of mana.

A New Boss
Does not spawn YET, the boss is still in work and you can only spawn it with a command. Drops a wand and a crown. he has a bug that makes hem lunch up.

New Ores
The new ore spawns in the new Stone Spikes. It drops Almost Released Soul. 

New Items

The wand is used as a weapon, it is obtained by killing the eye boss. it charge's mana to shoot and there is a damage increase in the next update. the crown doesn't do much because it used as a trophy for killing the eye boss. the mana is used to charge the wand. the music disc is not obtainable in survival Yet. the released soul it used for getting mana. the soul will attack you when you right click and all the souls will be released. but don't worry there are more features that will be added later. the almost released soul is used for getting an a released soul from the soul releaser but has more features planned.

And New Building Blocks

New wood and grass type. The soul releaser is used to release souls, when the soul is fully released you can use it to get more mana.

Thank you for your support!

 Thank you so much for your support!
Youtube videos about the mod :

This Mod is in BETA version!
made with Mcreator
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