![Spartan Weaponry: Ice and Fire](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/527/446/256/256/637848538921222826.png)
- 1
Spartan Weaponry was updated to 1.18.2 [SUGGESTION]
#16 opened by GhostLupine - 1
Crossbows and Bows
#1 opened by King-Tulip - 2
hitting enemies with spartan weapons crashes the game
#2 opened by spamsistaken - 1
Regisrty Error while joining a server
#3 opened by SikinoGaming - 3
Make weapon damage derive from Ice and Fire config?
#4 opened by Sazuzaki - 2
Fire/Ice/Lightning Arrow [SUGGESTION]
#5 opened by Samlegamer - 2
Loading Error
#6 opened by FancySlime85 - 1
Make A Config Like The SpartanWP mod
#7 opened by IceCubee-19 - 1
Incompatible with the lastest IAF
#8 opened - 1
- 2
Spartan: Ice and Fire crash.
#10 opened by wi6ck - 1
Mod won't load
#11 opened by Chancho91 - 1
Weapons with "Iced" Material bonus crash on hit
#12 opened by Novdalune - 1
Mod Not Loading
#14 opened by Chancho91 - 6
Wrong Rendering Animation (1.16.5)
#13 opened by Exokyhh - 2
Iced weapons will crash the game
#15 opened by LoveRuinsItAll - 1
Exit Code 1 on startup [1.18.2]
#17 opened by SazabiEnjoyer - 3
Crash Upon Startup (No other mods installed)
#18 opened by jimtarrosimbarros - 4
crashed forge:bones/dragon
#19 opened by gorroii - 1
Compat with Better Combat.
#20 opened by Maxi90909 - 0
Config weapon scaling does not work with Ice and Fire materials
#21 opened by LunarEclipseV - 0
Language errors
#22 opened by DragonLazuli - 1
#24 opened by ezsensor - 1
Better combat weapon animations not working
#23 opened by polykatt