Special Armor & Tool Sets & Horse Armors -Obsidian, Bone, Emerald, Silver, (Fabric and Forge)
Ender Armor Set

Ender Armor Set

ender armor set and tools, fragment
Ender Horse Armor

Ender Horse Armor

Emerald Horse Armor

Emerald Horse Armor

Obsidian Horse Armor

Obsidian Horse Armor

Silver Horse Armor

Silver Horse Armor

Obsidian Armor Set

Obsidian Armor Set

obsidian armor set and tools, ingot and shard
Netherite Horse Armor

Netherite Horse Armor

upgrade from diamond
Blue Iron Armor Set

Blue Iron Armor Set

blue iron armor set and tools, ingot and nugget
Fire Armor Set

Fire Armor Set

fire armor set and tools, ingot
Fire Horse Armor

Fire Horse Armor

Blue Iron Horse Armor

Blue Iron Horse Armor

Bone Armor Set

Bone Armor Set

bone armor set and tools
Bone Horse Armor

Bone Horse Armor

Silver Armor Set

Silver Armor Set

silver armor set and tools, ingot and nugget
Emerald Armor Set

Emerald Armor Set

emerald armor set and tools, emerald shard