Species armor +

Species armor +


i mainly made this to have more fun with the origins mod but it can be used in RPGĀ“s  as well. For now i have only added 6 armor sets but there's more to come


  you have to use the weapons in combination with the intended for them armor or else they might break!

 (which was also intended)


- protects you when you sneak

- has a chance to teleport when hurt

- levitation wand:

lets you enemies or yourself levitate

- Shell staff:

summons an orb and prevents your enemies from moving


 - lowers your health and has gives you zero protection, but gives you access to strong weapons

A few Weapons to this set

- The phantom shield protects you when you hold it in your off-hand and sneak

- The phantom spear is a strong weapon, which you can only use while wearing the armor

- The amber wand is the strongest weapon in this mod and can be used as bone meal

- you can buy 2 ingredients from the armorer villager for the cost of your armor to make a potion and restore your health


- this is probably the first armor you will be able to craft. It gives the player a triple jump

- The paper plane and paper knife are weak weapons which can be used with the Avian armor


Armor crafting:

- gives you floating abilities

- low defense

weapons crafting:

- fire gauntlet: lets you shoot harmless fire balls.

  hold blaze powder in your off hand for amo.

  you also need to have full armor equipped


 - makes you weaker on land but stronger underwater

- lionfish katana: makes you faster when held in both hands


-gives you 3 extra hearts

-gives you double jump(when armor and fangs in both arms equipped)


- poison your enemies

-stronger when hold in 2 hands

dried spider meat gives you night vision for a few seconds