Spectrobes Mod

Spectrobes Mod


The Krawl are back!

 Can you defend nanairo from the krawl with your spectrobes team?

Check out the official modpack here on curse! comes with a public server.



Mod Wiki



A lurking spikan and a dosy komanoto chill in the forest

A spikan and a komanoto frolick in the forest together.

all the minerals from spectrobes 1 minus some special ones
Currently containing all the minerals from spectrobes 1.

Custom Modelled fossils!
Custom Modelled Fossils

And custom Variant Skins!
An army of komainu to defeat the krawl! Iku Ze


Minerals - All from game 1 added

Spectrobes - All game 1 child forms added and most of the adult forms

Krawl - Many krawl to fight and a krawl boss fight against otorso!

Armours: tier 1 armour and tier 1 property armours

Weapons: Basic weapons

Dimensions: Genshi

If you would like to help out the mod, or just keep up to date then join us on discord!


Requires Geckolib 1.16.5-3.0.71+