Data driven API
- 🗡️ Spells can be assigned to any weapon (data driven)
- 🔮 Spells deal damage based on Spell Power entity attributes
- ✍️ Spells defined in JSON format
- ⚙️ Spells have a set of different mechanical behaviours:
- Cast options: duration, mode of release (charged or channeled)
- Targeting mode: Area, Beam, Cursor, Projectile, Meteor
- Impact actions: Damage, Heal, StatusEffect, Teleport, Spawn
- Cost: exhaust (hunger), item (runes), cooldown (time), durability, consume effects
- Support for various archery skills
Fancy audio and visuals
- 🔈 Spells have sound effects: at the start of casting, while casting, at release, at impact
- ✨ Spells have particle effects (any particle can be referenced by id), and the engine offers its custom set magical of particles
- 🎨 Custom Item/Block models can be used for Spell Projectiles and Status Effects
- 🤸 Custom player animations can be played at different stages of spell casting
In game features
- 🔧 Spell selection and casting is visible on the HUD (fully player configurable)
- 😌 QoL features included (such as automatic spell cast release)
- ⛓️ Add spells to eligible weapons using the Spell Binding Table
- 💰 Loot table injection
This mod is primarily a batch of tools (APIs) for developers, but it comes with very little content.
- ID:
- Use it to create spell books, and bind spells to them
- ID:
- Effect: negates spell cast rune cost
- Applicable: for items under the item tag
- Implemented with Trinkets mod
- Adds a special inventory slot for players, where a spell book can be equipped
- Trinket group:
charm spell_book
Client side settings can be accessed via the Mod Menu.
Server side configuration can be found in the config
directory, after running the game with the mod installed.
Sword like weapons are automatically picked up, and assigned spell casting from spell book capability.
This feature is turned on by default, it can be disabled in config/spell_engine/server.json5
, black listing and white listing are also supported in form of regex.
Spell Engine is primarily data-driven, to specify what spells an item can cast, create a JSON file at: data/MOD_ID/spell_assignments/ITEM_NAME.json
. (For example: data/minecraft/spell_assignments/golden_axe.json
Example: enable "Casts spells from equipped Spell Book" for a specific item
"is_proxy": true
Example: pre-bind spells to a specific item
"spell_ids": [ "wizards:fireball" ]
Example: allow spell binding from a specific spell pool to a specific item
"pool": "wizards:fire"
Any combination of these features above can be made.
For example: an item that allows casting from the equipped Spell Book, has Frostbolt and Frost Nova spell pre-bound, and arcane spells can be bound to it
"is_proxy": true
"spell_ids": [ "wizards:frostbolt", "wizards:frost_nova" ],
"pool": "wizards:arcane"
Spell casting for weapons can be disabled, with an empty data file.
Example - Disabling spell casting for Stone Sword:
{ }
In this case even automatic compatibility won't be able to assign any spell casting capability to the item.
Install Spell Power Attributes, use its Java API.
// You will not a mutable attribute modifier multimap
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<EntityAttribute, EntityAttributeModifier> builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
// +3 Fire Spell Power
new EntityAttributeModifier(
"Modifier name",
// +5% Spell Critical Chance
new EntityAttributeModifier(
"Modifier name",
Add this mod as dependency into your build.gradle file.
maven {
name = 'Modrinth'
url = ''
content {
includeGroup 'maven.modrinth'
Install dependencies:
- Spell Power
- Player Animator
- Cloth Config
- Mixin Extras (no need to include in your mod, just have it present in the development environment)
(Can be done locally by putting release jars into /run/fabric/mods
, or can be resolved from maven and like Spell Engine.)
Create a new file at resources/data/MOD_ID/spells/SPELL_ID.json
Write the content of the JSON file to match the structure of the Spell class. Your JSON will be parsed into a Spell instance.
Spells are automatically registered.
You can register a sound effects to be used for different stages of the spell casting. Alternatively you can use generic magic school related sound effects provided by this mod.
Place your spell icon to the following location: resources/assets/MOD_ID/textures/spell/SPELL_ID.png
Add name and description entries into your translation file.
"": "Spell Name",
"spell.MOD_ID.SPELL_ID.description": "Shoots and epic energy ball that does {damage} lightning damage",
The description supports multiple string token to display dynamic information.
Spells can render custom models, using Item/Block format (can be created using BlockBench).
Place your model to: resources/assets/MOD_ID/models/item/MY_PROJECTILE_NAME.json
Register your own model, like this:
Custom model projectiles can be used by just referencing the registered projectile model.
Custom models can be used to be rendered over entities affected by custom status effects.
Create a renderer, implementing CustomModelStatusEffect.Renderer
, and register it:
`CustomModelStatusEffect.register(MyStatusEffects.myEffectInstance, new MyRenderer());`
Example (Frost Shield, renders a big block around to player):
public class FrostShieldRenderer implements CustomModelStatusEffect.Renderer {
public static final Identifier modelId_base = Identifier.of(WizardsMod.ID, "frost_shield_base");
private static final RenderLayer BASE_RENDER_LAYER = RenderLayer.getTranslucentMovingBlock();
public void renderEffect(int amplifier, LivingEntity livingEntity, float delta, MatrixStack matrixStack, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumers, int light) {
float yOffset = 0.51F; // y + 0.01 to avoid Y fighting
matrixStack.translate(0, yOffset, 0); // y + 0.01 to avoid Y fighting
CustomModels.render(BASE_RENDER_LAYER, MinecraftClient.getInstance().getItemRenderer(), modelId_base,
matrixStack, vertexConsumers, light, livingEntity.getId());
Create your pool, by creating a JSON file at: resources/data/MOD_ID/spell_pools/POOL_ID.json
Example, an arbitrary set spells:
"spell_ids": [
Example, all spells of a specified magic school:
"all_of_schools": ["FIRE"]
The two solutions can be combined.
Assign zero, one or more spells to an item, by creating a JSON file at: resources/data/MOD_ID/spell_assignments/ITEM_ID.json
Your JSON file will be parsed into a Spell Container.
Example wand (one spell assigned, no more can be added)
"spell_ids": [ "MOD_ID:SPELL_ID" ]
Example staff (zero spell assigned, 3 can be added)
"pool": "MODID:POOL_ID",
"max_spell_count": 3,
"spell_ids": [ ]
When an item has an assigned Spell Container, it will be eligible for Spell Power enchantments.
Spell Engine has multiple kind of assets built in:
- Sound effects (you can find the available sounds here)
- Particle effects (you can find the available effects here)
- Player Animations (you can find the available animations here)
These assets are referenced in spell json files, by using their Identifier.