Squirting syringe

Squirting syringe



This mod is great small add-on to enhance adventure. Syringes spawns in chests so, this mod is not invisible while playing!

Squirting syringe is a mod with syringes which have different effects. you can create any syringe you like.

this mod includes:

- heal syringe

- warrior syringe

- ghost syringe

- mining syringe

- falling syringe

- mushroom syringe

- luck syringe

- fire syringe

- focus syringe

- remove syringe

and one item to create syringes:

- syringe 💉

Now you can create syringes to fast heal, faster mining, easier fighting and much more.

Do I plan forge edition? 

- nope

 feel free to comment!
