



Infinite* item stacking for fabric.

As of November 9th 2020, Stacc is now an 'api' mod. However there is no api, just include the mod inside your mod and now you can set Item.Settings#maxCount to any number below int_max/2! As of June 3rd 2021, Stacc is now only an 'api' mod.

As of January 30th, 2023 (version 1.5.0), Stacc now includes what was previously the mod in the API. To use it, create a data/stacc/config.json of the following format:

  "item:id": 300,
  // if a lower priority resource pack changed the item count, you can change it back with 'default'
  "minecraft:item": "default",
  "minecraft:other_item": 1,
  // max supported stack size is 1 billion
  "minecraft:really_smol_item": 1000000000


To use it, simply configure your item to have a max stack size of greater than 64. (Item$Settings#maxCount) It is not recommended setting the stack size greater than int_max/2 (1,073,741,823)

  • 1 billion is recommended to be safe.
  • 536,870,912 is the safest power of two (to stick by Minecraft's conventions)


repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")
        // for versions lower than 1.2.0
        // url = uri("")

dependencies {
  // there is no api (well except for render handler), just set maxCount in Item$Settings to values over 64
  modRuntime("net.devtech:stacc:1.5.2") // you should probably include the api though