


Stopwatch - Forge Mod Loading Profiler

A lightweight Minecraft Forge coremod to measure and profile the loading times of mods.

After all mods load, the loading time summaries are written to stopwatch-mod-loading-summary.txt in your .minecraft folder. In the future, these results will be available in an in-game GUI.

Mods and states that take 1ms or less to load are excluded from the results.

Mods can load in parallel, so the sum of mod loading times may be less than total loading times.

Example Results

Tinkers' Construct (tconstruct): 5383ms
		FMLCommonSetupEvent: 215ms
		Register (minecraft:block): 291ms
		Register (minecraft:recipe_serializer): 76ms
		Register (tconstruct:modifiers): 26ms
		Register (minecraft:entity_type): 3ms
		ParticleFactoryRegisterEvent: 5ms
		Register (minecraft:worldgen/block_state_provider_type): 2ms
		Texture Stitch (minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png): 4621ms
		Register (minecraft:block_entity_type): 2ms
		ModelRegistryEvent: 21ms
		Register (minecraft:worldgen/feature): 6ms
		FMLClientSetupEvent: 54ms
		Register (minecraft:particle_type): 2ms
		Register (minecraft:item): 59ms

Create (create): 2213ms
		FMLCommonSetupEvent: 690ms
		Register (minecraft:menu): 18ms
		Register (minecraft:block): 225ms
		Register (minecraft:recipe_serializer): 23ms
		FMLLoadCompleteEvent: 2ms
		ParticleFactoryRegisterEvent: 10ms
		Texture Stitch (minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png): 2ms
		Register (minecraft:block_entity_type): 2ms
		ModelRegistryEvent: 4ms
		Register (minecraft:worldgen/decorator): 3ms
		Register (minecraft:worldgen/feature): 2ms
		FMLClientSetupEvent: 1091ms
		GatherContextEvent: 75ms
		Register (minecraft:particle_type): 26ms
		Register (minecraft:item): 40ms