Storage Drawers: Natura Pack

Storage Drawers: Natura Pack


[Fabric 1.21-13.8.4] - Server - Player having invisible UI - OP permission overrule that issue?

TheJaypw opened this issue ยท 0 comments


We're encountering an weird issue with an extended mod pack rooting out of the BMC 3 Fabric mod pack with the StorageDrawers mod, which leads to player having an invisible storage Drawer UI as they try to open them via Shift+Right click.

  • This issue only comes up by players who have not been upgraded via /OP
    • Granting a player /OP after they are facing this issue resolves it after a restart of the Game


Please let me know if you need anything else from my end!

Resources we use:

The Original Modpack:

The Modpack we utilize::

The additional Mods we have installed: