Tremorzilla: King of the monsters

Tremorzilla: King of the monsters


This mod uses special commands to buff tremorzilla from alex's caves, bringing up it's health and regeneration namely, and also making it constantly angry. (as in it will attack anything in sight)

Tremorzilla goes from something that loses to alot of other creatures from other mods, to a monster that is nigh unkillable in survival. 

Additional features: Tremorzilla nests naturally generate in deep ocean biomes, said nests contain high amounts of radioactive material and a tremorzilla egg, along with this there are occasional city biomes you can find, and also nuclear silos!

Mod requires alex's caves 

There is one weapon, though, that can put the beast to rest permanently, a weapon so powerful not even it can withstand it. The Oxygen Annihilator, crafted with a kaiju toy, a hyper nuke, and cauldron.