Structure Control Utility

Structure Control Utility


Once upon a time, I spent 5 hours customizing a Woodland Mansion for my friends...

They showed up and as we finished preparing and planning we saw fire thru the windows...

A lightning bolt had struck the back of it and every bit except the wall facing us burned the ground.

This was the reason for this mod.

Structure Control Utility

This mod will make structures immune 

to Burning for a certain number of minutes (from 0 minutes to essentially forever with a default of 6 hours).

to Digging for a certain number of minutes (from 0 minutes to essentially forever with a default of 6 hours)..

to Explosions for a certain number of minutes (from 0 minutes to essentially forever with a default of 6 hours)..

This means players have to play thru the structures as designed until the structures are older and

that random lightning won't burn down wooden structures until they are older.

For now, blocks placed inside structures except dirt, gravel, wool, and wool carpet will gain the structure's protection.

I'll be adding various blocks like ladders, scaffolding, etc. over the next few days.  But logs, planks, and stone will be

protected until the next stage of development.

Your suggestions are welcome!

Structure Control Utility will undergo rapid development for the next six weeks balanced against bringing all my 

other mods to 1.19.3 (the new tabs require changes to all mods with modded items).

Planned features

Effects applied while within structure. 

The ability to apply Weakness and/or Slowness and/or Mining Fatigue to players within a selected structure.

A report of all registered structures ( for modpack design) to let you easily know all structures in your modpack.





An list of unburnable blocks.  This will make some blocks that normally burn completely immune to fire.

The ultimate structure configuration file *might* will look something like this.

stopburning = 10080

stopdigging = 720

stopexploding = 720

(these are 168 hours, 6 hours, 6 hours respectively)

a list of blocks that won't ever be protected.

unprotected(minecraft:#dirt, minecraft:#sand, minecraft:gravel, minecraft:grass_block, minecraft:#wool, minecraft:#wool_carpet)

(yes.. plan to support tags)

A list of structures with custom configuration override values per structure.

Structure, times(burn,dig,explode), effects(weakness,slowness,miningfatigue)

minecraft:woodland_mansion, times(10080, 720, 720), effects(0, 1, 1);

minecraft:village, times(60, 60, 60), effects(0, 0, 0);

newbuildingmod:desert_stronghold, times(1440, 720, 720), effects(1, 2, 0);

newbuildingmod:bandit_camp, times(0, 15, 0), effects(1, 2, 0);

This section will *override* the defaults.  You won't have to configure every structure.  Just the ones you care about.

So try it, use it, send in your ideas!
