Structure Warden is a mod that allows one to configure a list of conditions to prevent the building/placing of blocks & the opening of containers when inside of a structure. This is great for those of you who want to add a challenge to structures(modded or vanilla ones).
The issues
So take for instance a few pet peeves of mine in regards to structures:
-Players as soon as they spawn running into a village to break that village's hay bales and have several stacks of bread that lasts them the first 10+ days bc it's just so much food.
-Players not building their own house and instead using a generated house(and expanding off of it) and calling that place home.
-Or players running into a structure with spawners and slapping torches everywhere to disable them.
Get what I mean? There are so many easy ways to ruin a challenge in a structure/or be a lazy and use it as your base instead, so this mod aims to change that!
-There is currently no documentation besides the default configuration(structurewarden/structureprotector.json) that ships with this mod, so check that out and make sure you understand json syntax!!!