


This mod adds a new command called "summonplus". It works like the "summon" command but there is an extra argument called "count". The "count" argument allows you to define how many times the entity should appear. NOTE: THE "NBT" ARGUMENT DOES NOT WORK! (I don't know why so I'm checking why it doesn't work.)
Also, don't make too many entities appear at once because otherwise R.I.P. Minecraft on your PC. Also, in the mod there is a command that is "sphelp" (summonplushelp) and it's the mod's helper but not very useful yet. This mod is beta. Bugs are expected as it was made with MCreator EAP 2022.2 b25609 (according to my tests, there are no bugs. You tell me). Screenshots will come later. Here is an example of the command: /summonplus minecraft:creeper ~ ~ ~ 6

  • argument 1: the mob (entity)
  • argument 2: the position (pos)
  • argument 3: number of mobs (count)
  • argument 4 (broken): nbt (nbt)