Super Cobblestone Funnels

Super Cobblestone Funnels


Version 2.1 is for 1.17 and uses a new config system, there is now 2 config files, config.acfg and ores.acfg,

"config.acfg" is used to adjust funnel tiers and speeds,

"ores.acfg" use the format Block/Tag,Funnel Tier, Weight

e.g minecraft:cobblestone,1,1 

where cobblestone is tier 1 and has a weight of 1

Super Cobblestone Funnels or SCF is a mod for fabric 1.16 and 1.17

1.1.0 adds a weighting system! you can change the weight of how often an ore comes up in the newly generated funnel_blocks_weights config file, if you want it to use the old system just use a weight of 1 for each!

the aim of this mod is to give a better way of getting materials in skyblock scenarios

a funnel setup

This mod adds 1 type of new block, funnels, these funnels when set up above will generate ores beneath them, up to the level stated on there tooltip


To find all the ore/blocks that a funnel can produce you can do as it says, shift-right click on any funnel

(Ores can be configured and weighted in config/scf/funnel_blocks.acfg each funnel can have their speed and blocks modified in config.acfg)

all funnelscurrently there are 7 funnels each can be crafted only using the previous funnels outputs

In 1.2 there is no copper or bronze funnel as the item dependency has been removed

please do not repost this mod anywhere without my express permission in the comments

feel free to submit langs and issues to the github