SuperJedi's Obsidian Mod

SuperJedi's Obsidian Mod



-Hardness and Blast Resistance of Obsidian are configurable (defaulting to vanilla values), whatever you set will also used to determine the hardness and blast resistance of this mod's obsidian-based blocks and any that may appear in my future mods.

-Obsidian Armor is available in both enchanted (Fire Protection IV/Blast Protection IV/Unbreaking II) and non-enchanted variants

-Obsidian Armor offers roughly the same protection as diamond with slightly higher toughness, but has less durability

-Wearing full enchanted obsidian armor gives constant fire resistance status

-Obsidian Armor cannot be enchanted with an enchanting table or in an anvil

-Both armor variants give increased knockback resistance, but reduce speed

-Obsidian blocks can be smelted into ingots, used to craft the non-enchanted armor

-Obsidian ingots can be crafted into the polished variant by adding blaze powder (recipe subject to change), the polished variant is used to craft the enchanted armor (this will likely be made more expensive in the future)

-New Blocks: Obsidian Bricks (Crafted from 4 Obsidian Ingots for a batch of 4), Chiseled Obsidian (Crafted from 4 Polished Obsidian Ingots for a batch of 4), Obsidian Glass (Crafted from 4 Obsidian Ingots + 5 Glass for a batch of 5), and Glowing Obsidian  (Crafted from 5 Polished Obsidian Ingots + 4 Glowstone Blocks for a batch of 5)

-Includes language files in American English and Pirate, more translations may be added in the future

The source code for this mod is available here under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.