


Port to 1.20.x

leafreynolds opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Remaining work

  • Data generation code
  • Fix curio slots
  • metal vial custom recipe
  • tools itemgroup -> creative tabs
  • Feruchromium not increasing fortune
  • Cosmere copper ingots should be replaced with vanilla variant
  • Refactor all uses of SomeEnum.values() to one class, so as to not assign new memory when called. It should do it once on construction in a unified enumsutils class or something
  • initial settings for ore generation
  • fix vanilla night vision?
  • #121

Best of luck Leaf!!


Good luck Leaf, you can do it!!
Strength before Weakness!


Fixed f-chromium in 9480f55


Nice one, Gerbagel!
Though Leaf, I'm not sure that you should replace Cosmere copper ingots with vanilla ones - I've found that vanilla copper, once it's become exposed or weathered, no longer qualifies as Pushable/Pullable.
(Or just make the weathered/exposed variants also Pushable/Pullable, now I think about it!)


Nice one, Gerbagel!
Though Leaf, I'm not sure that you should replace Cosmere copper ingots with vanilla ones - I've found that vanilla copper, once it's become exposed or weathered, no longer qualifies as Pushable/Pullable.
(Or just make the weathered/exposed variants also Pushable/Pullable, now I think about it!)

This we fix :)
Should just be a datapack change to add those specifically as pushable


@MoonlitJolteon Let me know when you get a chance to check Sandmastery :)