- 2
Tin-blindness issues when burning tin
#88 opened by R0b0r0b - 2
[Allomancy] Metal stores 'metalbolisation'
#85 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Allomancy] Pewter Refinement
#86 opened by leafreynolds - 5
[Allomancy] Iron/Steel force improvement
#87 opened by leafreynolds - 2
[Guidebook] Keybinds Entry
#90 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Copper Clouds still trigger glowing
#91 opened by luthertodorov - 0
[Sandmastery] Increase min and Reduce max number of ribbons
#95 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
Use Active Ability reportedly not working for Sandmastery
#97 opened by leafreynolds - 2
Refactor Metalmind Selection Code
#99 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Tools and Armor Addon Mod (Metalmind Compatible)
#100 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Steel running burning up
#101 opened by LePizzaRabbit - 6
Port to 1.20.x
#102 opened by leafreynolds - 15
[Surgebinding] Shardblades unique to player
#103 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Better NetworkPacket chunking
#105 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Power-Mode save states - Keybind compat
#106 opened by leafreynolds - 1
UI bug
#107 opened by TonyBooM1 - 0
[Surgebinding] Radiant Spren Affinity System
#108 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Surgebinding] Oathpact to Herald Mechanic
#109 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Surgebinding] The Old Magic - Boon/Bane
#110 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Surgebinding] Boon - Radiant powers run on lifelight (food)
#111 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Surgebinding] Highstorms
#113 opened by leafreynolds - 2
[Surgebinding] Radiant Ideals Progression
#112 opened by leafreynolds - 1
Lerasium spike causes crash
#115 opened by DiceOf20 - 1
[1.19.2] Cosmere Tools and Armor uncraftable with no damage
#117 opened by Wildfin45 - 1
Burning allomantic zinc causes you to lose villager rep
#118 opened by Rodey125 - 7
Keybinds for powers, activating and deactivating
#119 opened by leafreynolds - 0
1.20.+ sandmastery port QA pass
#121 opened by leafreynolds - 1
Config to turn off HUD
#120 opened by leafreynolds - 0
1.20.1 Aviar problems
#124 opened by Sebatollah - 0
[AonDor] Multiple ways to draw glyphs
#123 opened by leafreynolds - 13
Steel & Ironsight not working correctly
#125 opened by whiddenmason - 4
Coinpouch behaving oddly
#126 opened by R0b0r0b - 1
Ironpulling and Steelpushing on Items or Mobs
#127 opened by CapoReader5395 - 3
Copper tools dont work
#128 opened by Wildfin45 - 2
1.20.1 Dedicated Server Refuses to Load
#129 opened by WalterLezerus - 1
Game crash with aviar
#130 opened by i3rimstonefox - 7
Infinite eating metal loop
#131 opened by steve-the-player - 3
Infinite Stormlight glitch, Peculiarities with Progression, and Gravitation Grievances
#132 opened by R0b0r0b - 2
Raw Ore items exist, mining any of the ores added by the cosmere mod drops experience, but not the raw ore, instead dropping the block itself
#133 opened by SpeedyZ500 - 3
Coin Pouch Steel Pushing Throws player to side
#141 opened by MasonNight - 2
Allomantic Steel Vertical Push Bug
#134 opened by Exlor64 - 2
[Allomancy] Push/Pull range should be configurable
#135 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Cosmere] Refactor power granting code
#136 opened by leafreynolds - 3
Kicked when turning on Allomantic Brass
#137 opened by onegreed - 0
[Documentation] Tool to parse in guide jsons and update wiki?
#138 opened by leafreynolds - 1
Copper Nuggets don't enter Vials
#139 opened by MasonNight - 4
Loot tables borked?
#140 opened by B1ackN0va - 1
Stormlight Invalid player data
#142 opened by 1crus - 2
Enchanting metal tools crashes the game
#143 opened by Sebatollah - 1
Crashes involving compounding
#144 opened by Mythicsful