[Surgebinding] Shardblades unique to player
leafreynolds opened this issue · 15 comments
I would like living shardblades to be unique to the player. This could be unique on a per-save basis, or you get the same designs across all saves.
Things to consider that could change the design:
- Player UUID
- World UUID(?)
- Spren Radiant Order
- (some way of distinguishing between spren of the same order?)
Visuals that could change:
- Blade
- crossguard
- handle
- pommel
Stats changing was also suggested, but may be more difficult compared to changing the model designs.
My thinking is it might be easiest for the Shardblade design to be the same across all saves
In way of kings prime, the shard blades shifted to match the wielder, if you were to lose your bond to one and then bond a new one, it would shift to match and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two. While WOK prime isn't Canon, I do like the idea of a similar mechanism if it is not too difficult and feels it could work.
I'd really rather not have the same shardblade design across all my saves unless I was also able to customize it to whatever I wanted. What if I got a really bad design, or just one that I personally don't like? I do really like the idea of procedural generated shardblades, but only if it meant you got to customize all the model parts.
My idea is to have a typical procedural algorithm in the mod that determines a players 'default' sword, also tied to their UUID, and then allow players to customize their sword per world. The design they choose would be saved locally rather than on a remote server.
As for stat changing... I don't need to tell you my thoughts on RNG based per player advantages.
Hi. You have misunderstood a couple things.
A living blade is already able to transform. It won’t be a big deal to have it look different. But this is the default look of the Spren as a blade, which you did figure out. But having a set look on any dead shardblades is important to me.
You’re also putting too much emphasis on any supposed advantages that a given design might have. I was thinking the difference between a vanilla axe and a vanilla sword. Different swing speeds and damage, but comparable and not really better dps over each other.
Ah I understand. Carry on then.
actually I would imagine all of the dead blades would have different looks, theres lots of different blades in the books, and while blades of similar spren share motifs, they are distinct enough to be recognized by people; such as Oathbringer and the blade that Shallan's brother used. Unless you meant that?
I could see looted dead blades having a randomized appearance though, aside from WaT spoilers.
Ah nice! My mistake. Are there any plans to add the theoretically possibke shardblades for other god metals? Like a golden lerasium sharblade, or a dark black atium shardblade?
actually I would imagine all of the dead blades would have different looks
Hi Via, the intention is to have all blades look somewhat unique. Including dead blades. Sorry if that’s not how it came across in my above comments?
There will be limits, there’d only be so many different pieces for it to randomise as, but it’s still important to me that any blade has a set default look to distinguish it from others.
Quibble, wouldn't a hypothetical lerasiumblade be blue-white in colour, rather than golden?
Anyway, I think they're referring to this WoB, which states that multiple Invested arts can be used to create a Shardblade, though some are more difficult than others.
Anyway, I think they're referring to this WoB, which states that multiple Invested arts can be used to create a Shardblade, though some are more difficult than others.
That's not quite the same thing, since that's talking about constructing a shardblade like Nightblood, rather than godmetals specifically. We did already know it's exorbitantly expensive to make a shardblade.
That's true, yeah
Did some poking round and found a couple more WoBs about Shardblades from other Invested arts
But found nothing about making Shardblades from godmetals - though, given that atium can be refined and then formed into a spike, it's presumably possible to create a weapon made out of godmetal.
I was referring to a Sanderson interview where someone asked that. I also was specifically meaning Shardblades and not Honorblades.
It was stated that you would still need a Spren to make it, but that any God Metal could.