- 1
Overmastering causes constant posion-like damage.
#83 opened by X66Herobrine66X - 4
MnA Spell Crash
#82 opened by Woof6968 - 0
[Feruchemy] Gold TLC
#78 opened by leafreynolds - 6
[Feruchemy] Nicrosil
#77 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Cosmere] God Metal Improvements
#76 opened by leafreynolds - 2
[Hemalurgy] Koloss Swords Require Strength
#75 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Cosmere] Improve Network Packets
#74 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Cosmere] (cosmere based) localisation of metal names
#72 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 2
[Hemalurgy] TLC - Spiritweb Integrity
#71 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Allomancy] Iron/Steel should let you affect metal in hands of targets
#70 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Aviar] Grey Aviar does not consistently provide benefit (Highlight targeting enemies)
#69 opened by MelficeSilesius - 2
[Allomancy] Update Iron/Steel sections for in-game ars arcanum guide book
#68 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Feruchemy] Iron TLC
#67 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Allomancy] The Mists TLC
#66 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Hemalurgy] Spike metal JEI page should tell you what powers they steal, rather than only category
#65 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Allomancy] Brass TLC
#64 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Origin power selection
#63 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Allomancy] Pewter delayed damage severity needs to be communicated to the player somehow
#62 opened by leafreynolds - 0
[Hemalurgy] Non-Power Spikes from loot chests have no hemalurgic investment
#61 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Config For Starting Powers Whitelist
#60 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Feruchemy] Unable to compound Nicrosil
#59 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[Allomancer] Crash when using steel
#58 opened by MelficeSilesius - 1
[SandMastery] placing charged taldain sand in pouch disappears, but uncharged works
#57 opened by leafreynolds - 1
[SandMastery] Incorrect number of sand layers received after breaking stack
#56 opened by leafreynolds - 2
Can not launch server with latest Aviar patch
#55 opened by MercuryPoisoning - 1
[Allomancy] Metal Vial eating things it shouldn't
#54 opened by Giltsmith - 0
admin debug command to list current cosmere effects and durations
#53 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
[Surgebinding] Bridge Four - 'vehicle' that lets multiple players pick up and move
#52 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Aviar mixin crashes on boot
#50 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
Fix Aviar not rendering on player shoulder
#49 opened by leafreynolds - 7
[Allomancy] Iron/Steel push and pull list is not always clearing on key release
#48 opened by R0b0r0b - 1
Metal triggering other metals effects?
#47 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
Aviar - First Pass
#46 opened by leafreynolds - 0
Very high render thread time
#45 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
[Feruchemy] Viral Unkeying
#44 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 0
Active Ability text Duplicated by some mods
#43 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 1
[Allomancy] A-Zinc Crash?
#42 opened by MoonlitJolteon - 1
Gold Spikes with feruchemical electrum gives both feruchemical electrum and feruchemical atium.
#32 opened by X66Herobrine66X