Raw Ore items exist, mining any of the ores added by the cosmere mod drops experience, but not the raw ore, instead dropping the block itself
SpeedyZ500 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Issue description
as the title says clearly you wen through and added in the experience drop to all the ores, and you went through the trouble of adding in the raw ore for all the ores, however, it still drops itself when mined whether you mine it with silk touch, fortune, or a regular pickaxe it is the same. expected outcome, just that you will eventually add in the functionality, I was seriously surprised when I was max storing fortune and accidentally mined an ore and it dropped something, it usually doesn't drop anything when you max store F chromium, and it would be nice to be able to max tap F chromium to get ludicrous amounts of any ore
Steps to reproduce
- Launch any new world in survival
- get a pickaxe
- mine any cosmere specific ore
- pick up the cosmere specific ore instead of a raw ore
Minecraft version
1.20.1 (Latest)
Modloader version
Forge 47.3.0
Cosmere version
Other relevant versions
full mod list
Cosmere [0.7.95]
Cosmere: Allomancy [0.7.95]
Cosmere: Feruchemy [0.7.95]
Cosmere: Hemalurgy [0.7.95]
Cosmere: Sand Mastery [0.7.95]
Cosmere: Surgebinding [0.7.95]
Curios API [5.11.0+1.20.1 ]
Just Enough Items []
Patchouli [1.20.1-84-FORGE ]
If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: (It's almost always relevant)
No response
I have no idea what's happening here, I'll be real. My first idea was, obviously, that the loot table is broken, but it looks fine.
Here it is for reference:
"type": "minecraft:block",
"pools": [
"bonus_rolls": 0.0,
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:alternatives",
"children": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"conditions": [
"condition": "minecraft:match_tool",
"predicate": {
"enchantments": [
"enchantment": "minecraft:silk_touch",
"levels": {
"min": 1
"name": "cosmere:cadmium_ore"
"type": "minecraft:item",
"functions": [
"enchantment": "minecraft:fortune",
"formula": "minecraft:ore_drops",
"function": "minecraft:apply_bonus"
"function": "minecraft:explosion_decay"
"name": "cosmere:raw_cadmium_ore"
"name": "main",
"rolls": 1.0
"random_sequence": "cosmere:blocks/cadmium_ore"
It should only drop the block when you have silk touch, so maybe it's misidentifying it...? I'll keep digging.
Fixed with d0310d1 :)